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The etherpad site shut down in December 1, for Gnome’s Hedgedoc instance.

To save time, instead maintaining both. The decision was announced in October 31, by Bartłomiej Piotrowski.

        • @theoteno@lemmy.mlOP
          11 year ago

          Anyway, I guess I reduced today’s bandwidth… Or not, and PeerTube could react faster sometimes (Live ended a while ago, yet didn’t reacted for 5-10 minutes)

          Anyway, I guess I’ll record to storage too, as it didn’t saved it to peertube, due to some error.

          Still, it felt way better than my 1st time testing Twitch/Youtube live. Maybe because so many things can go better, but also was fun to type real-time with a guest.

          Perhaps Group Chat clients could display the actual message in typing, but just an idea for now.

          Anyway, I’ll rest a bit.

    • @theoteno@lemmy.mlOP
      41 year ago

      Yes, it’s also capable for realtime collaboration. HedgeDoc just joined the Fosstodon instance on Mastodon at November, while Etherpad has a bot on it with 0 news.