Almost no one cares about privacy, thats why every single VPN advertices themselves as “You can watch Neflix’ catalogs from another countries”

Pretty similar to the john oliver, ‘the gov is collecting your dick pics’ approach, which i linked


  • comfy
    32 years ago

    What do you mean by ‘market’? Privacy is different to VPNs in the way that one, first and foremost, is a paid service that people are trying to make others buy. Privacy is a concept or a value, and often a cost, not a marketable product. Making people care about something takes something more like those John Oliver segments rather than a conventional market ad for a product.

    But I definitely think that you have a point about the issue people have with rhetoric about privacy. Most people don’t care about privacy as an ideal until you demonstrate why it matters and how they personally are affected.

    Don’t say ‘this program is private’. Not only is that a misleading description anyway (private from who? A government? Stalkers? A roommate? Bears?) but relies on them already understanding why they should care. Instead say something like ‘this program will help to stop criminals stealing your personal data and selling it to anyone who asks for it, and prevent scams or identity fraud’. Don’t say what, say why. That’s what the marketting teams on VPNs have to do, so yes, discuss privacy topics in the same say.