• @electrodynamica@mander.xyz
    72 years ago

    Stuff like this just proves Amazon knows absolutely nothing about automation. If you are trying to treat humans like machines, you’re doing it wrong. You couldn’t be doing it more wrong.

    • @sexy_peach@feddit.de
      42 years ago

      It’s like that everywhere because capitalists don’t have imagination on how to do things differently.

      • @electrodynamica@mander.xyz
        32 years ago

        It is generally like that under capitalism because capitalists fall fool to the procrustean fallacy, but it’s especially dumb when automation is brought into it because machines excel at repetition, replication, and precision but humans are worst at these things and it’s completely unnatural. It’s like trying to use a hammer to push in a screw and then yelling at the hammer for ruining the wood.