So far, they are going well. I have a few goals I am working towards.
1st. Working towards significantly reducing my alchohol consumption. Kinda started last year in reducing what I drank. Decided after XMas to do Dry January. After reading a few articles, I decided to keep the streek going.
2nd. I’ve been wanting to work out more, mostly cardio. Relized, I have been getting winded easily. Started last week doing a regular 3 days of cardio, mostly biking/spin as it’s easier on my knees. Plan to keep the streak going going for a few weeks before I try to add another day to the lineup or drastically change my diet.
3rd. A few roles I have been looking at want someone who also knows some programming. I signed up for Python coding classes for data management. I’m still going through the basics. I am lucky, I can spend a few hours each week to work towards getting better at it.
Conspiracy theory people pride themselves on “knowing” something that others don’t. It gives them a sense of superiority to everyone else because of that “knowledge”