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  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • Levsgetso@lemmy.zip
    toHome@lemmy.zipLemmy.zip Turns One!
    24 days ago

    Happy first birthday to all the lemmy.zip users!

    It truly was an eventful year on our little corner of the internet, and I’m so happy I was able to witness it. I truly love our little instance and just wanted to thank the amazing admins and also every member of .zip for being part of this incredible community! ❤️

  • It should have never happened. Gradual Schengen entry like this is for new members, not countries who have been meeting the criteria for 12 years.

    The fact that countries like Austria can block others’ accession on blatant lies is beyond messed up.

    Meanwhile, the Kilometers-long lines of trucks are still at the border, sometimes spending days there. The only things that changed are the two minutes you save at the airport and the politicians bragging how they “got us in Schengen”.

    That was a shameful decision and a disgrace. The EU needs major reforms so countries like this can’t abuse their power or try to blackmail others, using Schengen.

  • Should we be fine with being treated as second class citizens just because Russia is worse? Of course people will react emotionally and not completely logically, many feel that their country has been humiliated and exploited.

    The fact that a single country can just blackmail others in this way, to achieve its own goals doesn’t sound like a union to me. And with such cases russophiles begin to appear more and more right.

    The EU needs major reforms in that area to make sure no one can abuse it. And blaming people for being fed up, with 12 years being used as scapegoats by various populists, is directing the blame towards the wrong people.

    As I previously stated, I’m an avid supporter of the EU and our membership in it, but it can’t go on in this state.

  • Levsgetso@lemmy.zip
    OPtoCastles@lemm.eeBaba Vida - Vidin, Bulgaria
    6 months ago

    It’s pretty unfortunate. There’s been some attempts at reconstructing some of the castles but let’s say they weren’t ideal.

    We could at least look on the bright side that although the castles are mostly in ruin, the legacy and culture of the medieval Bulgarian states still remain.

    Nevertheless it definitely could feel like a piece of history is just gone.