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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023

  • Yeah they need the community for that. They needed the community for everything. And you know what? Go on that site right now. It’s just endless dribble. Reformatted TikTok videos posted by bots. People endlessly repeating the same shit over and over again. Bots copying those endlessly repeated comments on the subsequent reposts. Where’s the stuff that made Reddit special? Has there been a chuck testa meme or noteworthy cool event like a good ama or the Christmas exchange that’s occurred recently? Is there content coming out of the site that’s making the news like it once did? Is the spark there? No

    Now it’s just another corporate whore of a company where a bunch of sparkling water drinking pussies with erectile dysfunction sit around trying to figure out how they can best game the system to exploit their pageviews.

    The ceo of this company comes out embracing Elon Musk, whines about how the community is cutting into his bottom line, and we are supposed to sit around continuing to provide this man with the content he needs to keep his website alive?

    Fuck that.

    I think the people who create the gold that makes the internet what it is have sort of scattered to the ether and they’re waiting for the next thing to pop up. When it happens you’ll see that spark come about once more. Actual interesting content. Good topical memes. A fun atmosphere that doesn’t feel exploited by some pretentious pricks.

    I want it to be lemmy and the fediverse. We are lying to ourselves if we think this caught all the people stepping off the sinking ship. But I think with some collective upgrades and a way better ui that can be marketed to the average person. This could and should be it.

    Here’s hoping we see that happen.

  • Yeah I think it’s hard to tell where people’s vices start and stop. Probably some of those people were just doing drugs, just having sex with prostitutes. To me neither of those things is inherently bad or of concern at face value. But there’s no question there’s also people who were specifically associating with those two for the kid rape.

    We will likely never know the truth but Im personally ok with all the names being dropped because even if you weren’t raping kids, your judgment was so compromised that you were associating with one of the worst sex traffickers on the planet. We should not be associating with you or doing business with you. But I think everyone’s going to assume any name on the list was diddling kids, and I just don’t think that’s true.

  • I think you underestimate Russian cruelty. A country that can normalize sending its citizens into an absolute meat grinder has no problems being beyond barbaric with its POWs. I have no doubt Ukranian prisoners are suffering a fate even worse than we can imagine. In circumstances like that suddenly it might just be worth it to accept your fate being killed by your countrymen. Hell maybe you can even get back to them.

    The Germans did the same thing in ww2 and in many instances the soldiers either killed their captors or surrendered the first chance they could.

  • Nah see you’ve got it wrong. You are correct that things happen or don’t happen based entirely on the wealth that is generated for select people. But the people who would benefit from the domination and removal of Russia easily outbid the people who would benefit from their success. The major companies that are already making insane money sending weapons to Ukraine would be happy to see a ground war kick off into Russia. Yeah there’s some right wing grifters that are pro Russia but they’re small potatoes. The money Russia is throwing around is a fraction of a percent of the money that nato aligned arms manufacturers and whatnot are throwing around.

  • This was a scam from the start. They fucked themselves because their trailer was popular and they promised the world. Their goal was to create a shit early access game with pre-made assets, get lots of buy in when it was released, endure some bad reviews, promise to fix things but then slowly dump support for the game. I’ve watched this exact thing happen probably ten times now.

    What killed them was the hype and popularity. They were called out immediately for what they were doing and got stuck having to now make an actual game or face legal repercussions.

    At the very least these cash grabs are getting spotted early and they’re not getting to sneak by without facing consequences.