Lol no thanks
Lol no thanks
Chances of getting Boneitis increases with every birth.
What’s a “Redditor?” Someone who wants to make everything red??
I was going to ask what the deal was, but Nevermind.
Would wet cloth and baking soda work?
Do they come in fish varieties?
I couldn’t get into it. I was going to try again but…I guess not anymore.
*when I’m eating anything
It’d be a 30-minute episode at this point.
You’re preaching to the choir here.
Wait, am I allowed to say that here?!
The wheels really helped!
Or when you pull up beside them at the red light.
[annoying JP voice] I hate your face.
Good guy Amazon… /s
As a teenager when it first came out, Eva Haberman was the entire reason I watched the show. Lol
I haven’t watched it since though.
8PM: listen to some Bonjour Tristesse until I fall asleep crying.
Shrinking is right up there with Ted Lasso - the only two shows I subscribed to Apple TV for. Lol
Like a vacuum!!