More wars=more content for future games
More wars=more content for future games
Guy Fieri, Ron Pearlman, and Steven Segal had a gay triple-baby and I didn’t even get to watch?
Marine snow
They didn’t like the art style
Honestly no idea. Thought maybe it was AI gen but there is plenty of that.
41,264 images tagged with Dead_or_Alive, so about 5% (rule34)
38,723 images tagged using both the English and Japanese names, also about 5% (Pixiv)
They have been trying to ban tiktok for what like 5 years, clearly it’s about Gaza…
No like, what specifically did you ask for?
Depends, if you’ve done The New War then no
At least until a couple years ago, California you could drive without a plate for a couple months. I’m not sure how that really worked tbh, like what would happen if you were pulled over ECT.
Now you must get a temp paper plate right as you leave the lot.
Maybe after a bunch of translations you could get there
But they didn’t send a C&D, they sent an AI automated phishing report about a fan page for an actual licensed Funko game.
They weren’t address copyright anything, even if it was there.
There already are multiple other standing stone circles in the UK
Though finding one in Doggerland would be really cool
“What I am about to do has not been approved by the Vatican”
Does Synapse have different sensitivity setting for different axis?
Yes, some versions apparently do. I don’t know if that your issue but give it a try.
But then it’s gonna be flat, I need at least a few bubbles in my ranch.
Look at flu deaths, now consider how many people you know don’t get flu shots.
Wait, where are the murdertwinks???
I’ve always shouting in German compels me to some kind of action, even if I’m sure what they want
The problem here is you think other stores actually let you buy and launch games reliably.
You plugged in a sata cable from the PS3s hard drive to your motherboard while it was on? That could be a problem, depends on the motherboard
Speaking of which, what’s the make/model of your motherboard?