Yay for local send! Anyone knows if there’s a way to use it while I have VPN on on one the devices ? I usually have to turn it off while sending things…
Hello, I am a Supermassive black hole (not an euphemism)
Yay for local send! Anyone knows if there’s a way to use it while I have VPN on on one the devices ? I usually have to turn it off while sending things…
America on that any% speedrun to become Cyberpunk universe… trauma team, anyone?
Found the strategist! Create internal struggles already within the soldiers, nice
Step 1: Ukraine captures as many Korean soldiers as possible Step 2: show them that they are being played by their own government Step 3: release them back Step 4 : ???
Source: not a strategist
And how does the church know what to say…?
Now I don’t know if it’s the same for everyone, but I found this one through c/all Retro commercials from Germany.
past few months, Google has been absolutely dogshit with search results - almost everything i search for is hidden, behind an ad or just convoluted somehow. So I started using chatgpt for almost everything - it’s so much better than Google.
Abeolute legend you are, thank you!
Remind me again how this works?
Oooh this brings back memories! I had this image as my phone background. Thanks for posting it!
Isn’t Belarus supposed to be on Russias side? I’m confused.
Actually I follow this guide somewhat and its worked for me so far.
Absolutely this is our version of Jesus on toast!
No Man’s Sea ?
I see, thanks for a thorough explanation! Didn’t know it was this advanced.
I don’t know, most creators I watch put a creative spin on those, and it’s fun to watch. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Did they forget to name Slovakia? edit: ok wtf I swear to god there was “Slovakia” yesterday night…
Yes… approximately 18.2 billion light-years out (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞
I’m in this picture…and I like it.
My Hero!