A stark example of how digital footprints will be utilized in a post-Roe America

The article is from Aug 10, 2022 but remains relevant

  • roofuskit@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Christo-fascism is coming for you too. Premarital sex, masturbation, gay sex/relationships. They’ll use the internet to hunt down anyone they can. As soon as they finish dismantling democracy.

  • Ginkko117@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Honestly, it does not look like Facebook did something wrong when you read the article. A pregnant woman used a medicine to trigger a miscarriage, then she and her mother got rid of the body. Police knew that they’ve discussed this in Facebook messenger. They contacted Facebook and received chat messages. Then police used those messages to incriminate women according to existing law. The only problem here is that a woman could go to an abortion clinic and do it properly and legally if not for obnoxious laws in some states. But that’s a completely different issue

    • Neato@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      it does not look like Facebook did something wrong

      Illegal. You mean to say it doesn’t look like Facebook did something illegal. It’s undeniable (unless you hate women) that Facebook did something wrong in helping a fascist state oppress women.

      Illegality and morality are not the same.

      • Infiltrated_ad8271@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        Why do so many people find it so hard to understand the position of anti-abortionists and invent a fantasy about misogynist fascists?

        To them fetuses are babies (which is correct at some point before birth, when is another debate) and therefore subjects of rights, so from their position they are defending a much greater right, the right to life. Essentially, from their perspective they are defending human rights, is it that hard for you to empathize with that?

        It’s undeniable (unless you hate women)

        Oh yep, you seem to have a flexible mentality, open to debate and not demonizing others, the opposite of what fascists typically do.

        • xuxebiko@kbin.socialOP
          1 year ago

          Oh yep, you seem to have a flexible mentality, open to debate and not demonizing others, the opposite of what fascists typically do.

          And there’s the DARVO. That didn’t take much time.

          If foetuses are babies to anti-abortionists (you’ve dropped the pro-life facade) then anti-abortionists need science lessons, because foetuses are not babies.

          Since anti-abortionists don’t consider women as human beings possessing equal human rights, they don’t care about any baby born or unborn from her. Indeed, they think they have the right to dictate to women on what her rights should be, ignoring that she is born with inalienable basic rights. “Born with” not ‘unborn/ in-utero’ with.

          A right to life without right to agency is slavery. Do you understand that anti-abortionists want women to be slaves?

          • Infiltrated_ad8271@kbin.social
            1 year ago

            It’s probably a waste of time, but okay, I will be kind enough not to delve into your ignorant slander, delusions, straw men and ad hominems.

            Since anti-abortionists don’t consider women as human beings possessing equal human rights (…) A right to life without right to agency is slavery. Do you understand that anti-abortionists want women to be slaves?

            Let us come to the main issue. As I mentioned, this is a difference of importance, not all rights are equal and when there is a conflict one should prevail over the other. Although nothing is written it is easy in some cases, for example, the right not to be tortured is more important than the right to marry.

            If for a moment you are able to consider the premise that fetuses are subjects of rights (say one of 42-week to make it easier), tell me, which is more important, the temporary and partial suspension of the right of agency or the right to life?
            (I do not include slavery because I find it fucking absurd, as well as a trivialization of something very serious. You could have said something more coherent like reproductive freedom.)

            This is not something like seeing the woman as property to be controlled, only considering the rights and interests of “both”. Let us also not forget that it is a self-imposed situation, and the cases in which it is “imposed by third parties” abortion is allowed all over the world.

            • xuxebiko@kbin.socialOP
              1 year ago

              Thank you for making clear

              1. your utter contempt for women,
              2. your denial of women as human beings with human rights, and
              3. your misconception that you and other anti-abortionists are arbiters of human rights

              ps: How is an unwanted pregnancy is a “self-imposed situation”? Is it your understanding that women are capable of parthenogenesis?

    • xuxebiko@kbin.socialOP
      1 year ago

      It is not a different issue. It is an issue of basic human rights.

      A woman’s right to agency over her body is an unalienable human right. The existing laws violate her human right.

      Then police used those messages to incriminate women according to existing law.

      "We should never forget that everything Adolf Hitler did in Germany was “legal” and everything the Hungarian freedom fighters did in Hungary was “illegal.” It was “illegal” to aid and comfort a Jew in Hitler’s Germany. Even so, I am sure that, had I lived in Germany at the time, I would have aided and comforted my Jewish brothers. If today I lived in a Communist country where certain principles dear to the Christian faith are suppressed, I would openly advocate disobeying that country’s antireligious laws. " - Martin Luther King, Jr. in “Letter from Birmingham Jail” (1963)

      • JasSmith@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        It is not a different issue. It is an issue of basic human rights.

        I don’t believe it’s a basic human right to murder a late term foetus. That’s not a right enshrined in any UN convention or national constitution. That’s something you want.

        • Killakomodo@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          Yeah but your opinion is total shit and worthless … so who cares what you gotta say?

          awe seems I pissed off religious extremists how ever would I sleep at night after this, oh yeah just fine.

          • Pandantic@kbin.social
            1 year ago

            I mean, I’m pro-choice and I downvoted you because you would rather troll this person and add to the negativity than state your case. I downvoted them too, for the record.

            • Killakomodo@kbin.social
              1 year ago

              Why make a case to people who have no want to hear said case, have probably heard all the cases already and continue to want to control people? I am done talking to people that want to decide others lives and put them at risk, they don’t care about them so why should I care about the person trying to retain control?

              I am willing to explain myself to you, but you as stated do not intend to steal rights and you being pro choice already know all the reasons why I am against people taking others rights so I don’t have to explain it because it is falling either on ears that know or ears that don’t want to hear.

              I am sick off pretending malice is ignorance.

              I am just telling them to get lost as we should with all people that want to take others rights.

        • ladychelseaofthevoid@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          There is no such thing as a late term abortion. The fetus would be viable. No person seeking an abortion would wait seven to nine months, bullshit laws or no bullshit laws. An abortion is a termination of a pregnancy, not a fetus. Abortions are typically performed before the embryo even has a chance to develop into a fetus (10 weeks).

    • MattTheProgrammer@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      Regardless of the politics surrounding abortion, Facebook chat never claims to be encrypted nor secure. Users should be aware that their chats are available in this capacity and should also be aware that platforms like Signal exist which are encrypted and secure.

    • Sorchist@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      The takeaway from this article, IMHO, isn’t “Facebook did something terrible” so much as “when you live in a world where the government is terrible, services which compromise your privacy can be exploited against you.” It no longer becomes a matter of “advertisers have access to my intimate details” but “people with the power to jail me unjustly have access to my intimate details.”

      I mean, it’s reprehensible for Facebook to have done that, but we kind of never expected them to be the good guys. It’s more “the compromise of our basic privacy is more dangerous than you might have thought when it was just being used to advertise to us.”