Great movie and the first, although very short, movie appearance of 2Pac!
There are several good stories on the making of, but holy crap was that a scarring experienced for any kids unfortunate enough to be brought to a Chevy Chase//Candy/Ackroyd “comedy”.
Such a great film!
It is certainly…an experience.
I watched like 60 percent of the movie at a friend’s house when I was pretty young. Maybe 8-10 years old? Shit creeped me out so hard. Pretty sure I had a couple fucked up nightmares from it. I’ve thought about going back to watch it as an adult since the cast is so awesome. But I’ve heard it’s still mostly just fucking weird, rather than good. That sound about right?
It’s good in a campy sort of way. If you don’t smile at silly props or premises, it’s a pass. Though if you’re OK with silly shit for the sake of a zany experience, it’s pretty good.
There really is a film to go with the picture?! I was just trying to imagine what the plot could be! Some kind of Indiana Jones/Big Trouble in Little China style action with a crooked judge blackmail scenario…
You’re close!
Ha! There’s something about certain styles that tell you exactly what to expect.
One thing I noticed when I last watched Big trouble was how it took 5 seconds to introduce each character and their back story before getting on with the action…no messing about!What you may not expect is that this is the film debut of Tupac and that Dan Akroyd plays a 102 year old man and also a giant baby.
Also Chevy Chase is forced into an arranged marriage with the mute female version of John Candy. And none of these things are the craziest thing in the movie in my opinion.
It might not even be so bad its good. Just really bizarre.
Thanks Davel, interesting to read the trivia!
Oh yeah there is. Great movie has John Candy and Dan Aykroyd in it too.
Ah classic comedy stylings, much check that out!
Yes, but instead of Kurt Russel trying to imitate John Wayne, it’s Chevy Chase… well, being Chevy Chase.
The one, the only!
I remember catching pieces of this on tv as a young kid and being thoroughly confused and disturbed. The imagery sticks with you for sure though.
Yeah the penis nose on Dan Aykroyd is hard to forget.
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I was like, wow cool. Then I saw John Candy! I’ve got to see this!