Honestly, if the idea of no trials don’t bother you, there are plenty more reminders why YOU shouldn’t preorder.

  • Send_me_nude_girls@feddit.de
    1 year ago

    Many months before a game is released, the game is feature complete and they only fix bugs. Do you believe a single publisher will delay the release of a still buggy game because of the lack of preorders? No way. They’ll release it anyways, because fixing bugs takes time, takes money and if there’s already low pre-order numbers, they as well can decide that this extra money spend isn’t worth it.

    This whole don’t preorder topic is illogical. My favorite comment so far on Reddit was: " but people forget to refund". That’s their issue and not of pre-orders.lol

    If anything the publisher sees interest in the game from preorders and will found/agree to more DLC or sees enough interest to greenlight the sequel right away. Which both is great for the devs. Maybe even delays a buggy game, because all the pre-order could guarantee a giant success, which would only be possible if the game is mostly bug free. You see you can easily twist the argument around.