An in-depth look at the star crossed lovers we didn’t get to see in DS9 including interviews with the cast and crew about why it didn’t happen. Includes some details about the origin of slash fic

      1 year ago

      Robinson 110% played Garak as being sexually interested in Bashir in his first appearance. And in the (non-canon but very very good) novel A Stitch in Time that Robinson himself authored, he establishes Garak as having had relationships with men and women.

      As the show developed the producers/writers/studio backed away from that idea (which, to be fair, I think is a spin that the actor himself put on the script, rather than being there on the page itself), hence giving Garak a girlfriend.

      Personally I never read into any of their scenes together that Bashir was interested in Garak as anything more than a friend, but if the show had been more progressive in that respect I suppose it might have evolved into an explicitly romantic relationship. Early 1990s vs early 2020s I suppose.

      DS9 was pretty progressive in that the idea of “being in the closet” wrt ones sexual orientation was never a consideration. In “Rejoined” for instance, nobody has an issue with Dax loving another woman - the taboo was about reassociation. And “Rules of Acquisition” people didn’t judge Pel (who people thought was a man at the time) for falling in love with Quark - the taboo was about Ferengi females wearing clothes etc. (Not sure if that Matt Baume video mentions this - it’s been a while since I saw it.)

        1 year ago

        My problem with interpreting Garak and Bashir as gay is that theres no indication of this outside some after the fact behind the scenes statements and the implication is theyre in the closet and pursuing relationships with women to hide it if this is true, which isnt very progressive.

          1 year ago

          I do find it funny that the moment two blokes have a close friendship on screen people are confidently declaring that they’re gay all over social media now, as if blokes aren’t able to have deep and meaningful friendships that aren’t sexual at all. As you say it feels the opposite of progressive. We’ve seen it with Sam and Frodo, Cap and Bucky, Bashir and Garek, etc.

            1 year ago

            Bashir and chief O’Brien have also a deep friendship and no one has ever claimed they were in a romantic relationship. Or Picard and Riker. Or Geordi and Data. They have close and meaningful friendships and no one else sees more than that. Sure, there are fanfics, but it’s not something really accepted as fact by many in the fandom, as opposed to Bashir and Garak. The dynamics between Bashir and Garak really feel like flirting, specially in the first one or two seasons. And nothing really makes me think Andy Robinson is lying when he says he really intended to portray Garak like that.

            There are also pretty decent writings explaining why the relationship between Frodo and Sam reads as homosexual, like this one. I mean, even when I read the book around a decade before the movies were released, I remember talking about it on IRC and people who had read it earlier were making constant jokes about how gay frodo and sam are. Even people who refuse to have queer content in their fiction saw them as queer.

            Can’t talk about Captain America and Bucky because I know very little of the source material and didn’t enjoy these movies enough to care about any character and considered they made little sense, even heterosexual romance is pretty badly done in the MCU in my opinion.

            Btw, the same thing you are complaining about could be said about male-female relationships, whenever there is a close friendship between a male and a female characters, a relationship is expected, and sometimes even forced between characters who had none in the source material when adapting it (The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy or the Hobbit for example). And we have tons of examples of forced heterosexual romances with far less chemistry than Bashir and Garak that harm their respective movies and shows (don’t get me started on Rey/Kylo Ren, Padme/Anakin, or Spock/Uhura in the Abrams movies, or the dumpster fire that is Passengers).

            Complaining about a bunch of people just being happy with the few crumbles of non harmful queer subtext we could have in the 90s feels a bit petty.

          • dumples@kbin.socialOP
            1 year ago

            I do find it funny that the moment two blokes have a close friendship on screen people are confidently declaring that they’re gay all over social media now, as if blokes aren’t able to have deep and meaningful friendships that aren’t sexual at all.

            You do make a good point that any two close male heterosexual friendships being labeled gay is a problem. Its important to show that as well. I feel like some pairings have friendship vibes than others but that’s the fun of the debate.

            But what I think this video shows is how important representation is. Since there was no queer characters in Star Trek people made their own in their fan fictions. These become wildly popular and influential at fan conventions, zines and the internet. The whole genre is still referred to as Slash Fiction for the most popular pairing Kirk/Spook fiction. These types of fan fictions influences future writers, actors and showrunner who made it a reality. That is what I think is interesting about this video

    • dumples@kbin.socialOP
      1 year ago

      I think Garak was canonically pan/omni or at least the actor playing him played him that way.

      The video said that the queer coding went down as the seasons went on to downplay the flirting.

        1 year ago

        I don’t believe they did want it that way though. Ron Moore said way back in 2001, 2002 or so that the DS9 writing staff didn’t care at all about LGBT issues at the time, and so I find it hard to believe they were planning to have a gay relationship on DS9.

        • Baloo
          1 year ago

          @startrekexplained @BobKerman3999 Doesn’t seem that hard to me. It’s entirely possible an entire room of writers would have considered existing apolitical and wanted to cast a gay couple as not even being remarkable, even back then.

          I was also in the closet back then. Mostly because there’s people out there who want to make existing political, and want me dead now because of it.

            1 year ago

            I guess I’m just less charitable because the DS9 writers did admit (I’ll have to find the quotes later) they just didn’t care about queer issues back then. As an openly queer person myself, I wish Star Trek back then was a trail blazer but it wasn’t.

    1 year ago

    I’ve seen DS9 SO many times… I never picked up on that subtext in their first meetings. So obvious now and nice to see the actors got together to right some wrongs

    Fuck Rick berman btw

    1 year ago

    Interesting background knowledge that they were supposed to be gay, puts a lot of things into new perspective.

    That being said, I don’t really like the idea, I enjoyed them as these unlikely but good platonic friends. I don’t think adding a romantic aspect to them would have improved their characters. For example Garak has many traits that could be interpreted as stereotypically gay, especially within the time period the show was produced. Him being a flamboyant and well spoken heterosexual works better to subvert cliches. Come to think of it, Bashir also isn’t the manliest of men. Which i also find more interesting for a heterosexual character.

    1 year ago

    Didn’t Alexander Siddig and Andrew Robinson do a screen-read during quarantine of their respective characters as an old, married couple? Or was that something I just imagined? Obviously, not canon, but it’s something that the fan base has certainly gotten behind!