In an open letter addressed to U.S. President Biden, his Vice President Harris, and First Lady Jill Biden, 45 physicians, surgeons, and nurses wrote: “With only marginal exceptions, everyone in Gaza is sick, injured, or both. This includes every national aid worker, every international volunteer, and probably every Israeli hostage: every man, woman, and child.”

The healthcare workers called on the Biden administration to “withhold military, economic, and diplomatic support from the state of Israel and to participate in an international arms embargo of both Israel and all Palestinian armed groups until a permanent cease-fire is established, and until good-faith negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians lead to a permanent resolution of the conflict.”

The letter continues: “In Gaza we watched malnourished new mothers feed their underweight newborns infant formula made with poisonous water. We can never forget that the world abandoned these innocent women and babies.”

The 45 health care specialists write that “every single signatory to this letter treated children in Gaza who suffered violence that must have been deliberately directed at them”, adding that “every one of us on a daily basis treated pre-teen children who were shot in the head and chest.”

The 45 urge the U.S. to impose a on both Israel and Palestinian armed groups by withholding military support for Israel and supporting an international arms embargo on both Israel and all Palestinian armed groups.

“We believe our government is obligated to do this, both under American law and International Humanitarian Law, and that it is the right thing to do.”