• webghost0101@sopuli.xyz
    2 months ago

    I find myself in agreement with your perspective although my own perspective is very different.

    I have naturally shy’d away from existing philosophical literature and influences because i felt they stopped me from coming up with answers myself. Just like you i find great joy in exploring solutions to mystery.

    I have been exploring the concepts of my concious and the reality i find in a very to me organized and structured (autistic) way but as i side effects i have my own interpretation of concepts like what is “information” (the relation between more then a single something )

    While i find my concepts often don’t translate well in language compared with conventional knowledge its critical to note that as i am reading up more as a matured person I find it adds to my personal understanding rather then contradicting it.

    I received a lot of knowledge from playing the outer wilds and things like the dual slit experiment but i assure you i don’t take games literally and most knowledge gaining is connecting pre existing dots in my head after being inspired.

    There is a good reason why my comment may seem mystifying,

    Part is rooted in an observation i made that objective truth can never be fully known. But hear me out.

    All our observations are made trough a subjective lens is too easy of an argument i also have a historical example to illustrate.

    The plague mask and outfit used flowers because knowledged people at the time thought the sick was in the smell. We know this is not true but the general idea was close enough and it did have a noticeable benefitial effect.

    The breakthrough is also important in the chain that lead to further knowledge later on.

    The science was incorrect but also good enough to be useful.

    In the same pattern we believe we understand most materials but a more advanced future scientist could know things that leaves us no better then the plague doctors in general.

    I made an important secondary conclusion based on experience.

    There is no benefit to be gained by dismissing the most reasonable incorrect knowledge when there is no reasonable “more correct” interpretation to be found.

    I am still not convinced these translate my thoughts well but what this second part odoes is solve the mystic sentiment you mention.

    We should strive to find solutions to the unknown because we know there is useful knowledge to be gained.

    We should apply the reasonable knowledge we find to better our understanding and lives.

    But what we should also do and this is the sentiment i am personally worried about is keep looking beyond our understanding and keep trying to challenge what we do know.

    What i initially found when exploring quantum mechanics is that early ideas where dismissed because they challenged what we thought we knew well and thats a line of thinking i find personally shocking when coming for i scientist. I salivate when reality breaks my initial understanding of reality because its such an opportunist. Finding out just how wrong you are is a major step to get more correct.

    I do have additional personal bias because of my differences in interpretation. I cant be put it more fairly then this “i experience some kind of dogma about established knowledge when i present my own interpretation of often the same concept, which worries me for our ability to evolve our understanding of the concept” This happens frequently so i experience a surplus of dogmatic scientific arguments around me. Even if they may not be as dogmatic if new knowledge was present in a compatible interpretation.

    I hope this clarified my posts a bit, thanks for the detailed reply.