Fun fact: The outdated software runs on outdated hardware, too.

    2 months ago

    I’m an IT sub roundabout working for the US government. We’ve a multi-site contract and arrive at the one we’d been vaguely warned about: Some contractors got fired mid-job in the 90s and left some trash.

    The hallway we needed to go down was filled with all sorts of shit, waist deep, for about twenty feet. My co-worker and I put on some gloves and started making a path. We found just a little had fallen on a path made by those that came before us.

    About halfway through the hallway trash I see a small, solid green light reflecting off the floor. After a little digging we find a beige metal half tower complete with Pentium and Win 3.1 stickers, laying on it’s side but upside down, power and network ran into what looked like a hole in the wall made with multiple blows from a hammer. It wasn’t in the documentation that we could see.

    In the confusion of a vendor fuckup someone decided taking a undocumented hammer to the rules best served society. Everyone who saw it afterwards decided to keep their mouth shut. We favored past wisdom and present uptime. We buried the twenty five year old rig again, hiding it from view while ensuring good air flow.