Any idiot can build a bridge that stands. It takes an engineer to design a bridge that barely stands.
Tbh, I want my memes with sources. and this one is strange… claims that mathmatics were essensial to roman engineering.
whereas this (only abstract avaliable…) claim that mathmatics were but an auxillary science? 🤔
nontheless mathmatics seems to have been quite understood and used by the roman engineers building among other things, aqueducts
The joke is that calculus as a field of mathematics didn’t exist until millennia after the fall of the empire
Astrology was so important to the Greeks, they figured out the elliptical orbits of the planets (up to Jupiter) and how to compute them without calculus.
Right, I’m not denying that. People have always been smart. The problem that calculus solved was the intensely difficult algebra that it replaced
Oh yeah. The chad slavedriver vs the virgin computer guy. Tale as old as time
Slavery is the most impressive form of engineering. Ever wonder how they built the pyramids?
I’m begging people to actually educate themselves on how the pyramids were built. They were built by paid workers, but then later, the Greeks saw them and assumed they were built by slaves because that’s what the Ancient Greek did with their building projects.
Oh you’re right. Did a quick google search and apparently the Greeks just thought up the slavery thing. Not sure why that narrative was still taught in school. Sequel meme
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The claims that they were built by the slaves or voluntary labor are both wrong. They were built by levied labor. Think a military draft, but you’re performing general labor for the state instead of fighting. Yes, those on the work gangs were fed, housed, and paid while there. But they weren’t building pyramids of their own free will either. It was still conscripted and forced labor. After their term of service, the workers got to go home. But it was still forced labor.