Blocking keeps my feed nice. See people being assholes? Block them. See a post discussing something I don’t want to hear about? Block them. See a community I don’t want to hear about? Block them. The greatest thing about social media is the ability to never have to interact with someone again at no detriment to them. Blocking is good.

    3 months ago

    I’m the same way. I don’t block people I disagree with but my tolerance for assholes is quite low. I block multiple people each day and have been doing so for over a year. When I see a thread about Elon or Trump for example I just go in and find all the most toxic commentors there and block them. Again, not because I disagree but because I don’t want to see incivil assholes in my feed. If I see someone write mean comments I assume that’s what they do and I want nothing to do with them. Currently my blocklist is around 600 users long.