This has little to do with socialism/capitalism and more with that fact that the economy was centrally (terribly) governed and most of the products were exported to the “friend nation USSR”
75% of sugar output exported to moscow and leningrad, you think the people of anywhere outside the immediate vicinity of those two cities got to see any of it? Let alone anywhere east of the Urals?
Ussr never fully recovered after ww2 and had to engage in a very expensive arms race while attempting to rebuild.
Imo saying that communism doesn’t work often forgets this fact.
I mean, they didn’t have to engage in an arms race, any more than either side had to go to space or the moon. They did so for the propaganda, and to make themselves look tough, the same as the US.
Completely different situations.
One country had to recover from complete devastation and bootstrap everything from scratch, could not rely on anyone and had to fund and support allies with that.
While other European countries were barely touched it could benefit from US funding which was in itself completely untouched and benefited from the collapse of the entire capitalist competition worldwide.
Ussr provided major military assistance to china Korea, vietnam, African countries fighting for freedom.
Also look up comecon.
Also who do you think was responsible for reconstruction of half the germany? It was ussr most which was also half destroyed itself.
All of this was a much higher burden on ussr than US which was left intact.
This has little to do with socialism/capitalism and more with that fact that the economy was centrally (terribly) governed and most of the products were exported to the “friend nation USSR”
75% of sugar output exported to the Sovs while the citizens of Poland ‘enjoyed’ sugar rationing.
75% of sugar output exported to moscow and leningrad, you think the people of anywhere outside the immediate vicinity of those two cities got to see any of it? Let alone anywhere east of the Urals?
Comunimsm is not that bad! It only has a 100% failure rate, but that’s the CIA/UFO/Soros fault!
Reminder you live in a country where you have to pay other people to deny you healthcare.
Nope, I have universal Healthcare, like 32 of the 33 advanced economies.
Plenty of countries with universal healthcare that are also capatalistic societies. I love communism, too but the other comment had a valid point.
Ussr never fully recovered after ww2 and had to engage in a very expensive arms race while attempting to rebuild. Imo saying that communism doesn’t work often forgets this fact.
I mean, they didn’t have to engage in an arms race, any more than either side had to go to space or the moon. They did so for the propaganda, and to make themselves look tough, the same as the US.
Plenty of capitalist countries did recover, so that just one more argument against communism.
Completely different situations. One country had to recover from complete devastation and bootstrap everything from scratch, could not rely on anyone and had to fund and support allies with that.
While other European countries were barely touched it could benefit from US funding which was in itself completely untouched and benefited from the collapse of the entire capitalist competition worldwide.
The ussr was much less devastated than Germany, and it didn’t support allies, it received support first and exploited colonies later.
Not true. Majority of ussr most economically valuable areas were destroyed.
Ussr provided major military assistance to china Korea, vietnam, African countries fighting for freedom.
Also look up comecon.
Also who do you think was responsible for reconstruction of half the germany? It was ussr most which was also half destroyed itself.
All of this was a much higher burden on ussr than US which was left intact.
After industry left behind the urals…