Like, am I too sensitive and this is justified or is this dumb? My sister Lena’s ex “friends” hate her and act rude to her because Lena autistic, starts conversations with them, and says she likes their outfit occasionally, which they accuse her of doing “every hour”.

Her friend Ashlyn accuses her of being a creepy stalker because Lena approached Ashlyn and her friends, said "Hey”, then remained quiet because it’s RUDE to talk over ppl and when they’re already talking. She then walked away and approached Ashlyn again to make conversation with her only to be told she’s creepy.

“Oh, she’s just upset”

“Oh, she’s just abrasive like that”

“Ppl hate when they’re spoken to. She’s an introvert with depression, NPD, and isn’t used to being greeted” (Most ppl only hate being spoken to by ppl they don’t like).

“Oh, she doesn’t HATE you, she just…”

Ashlyn is also a hypocrite who clearly hates Lena and treats ppl badly (but they suck it up bc they like her that much) and gets mad at ppl but does the same crap. She not only lies that everyone hates Lena, but tries to guilt-trip her into feeling bad for these “poor bullies” who hate Lena, find her and her conditions disgusting, and want her to suffer. This is a bit sick.

(I feel like these bullies are all just one girl pretending to be other ppl, which is quite dedicated of her)

        11 days ago

        Well, disclamer it’s all hazy, but iirc the fact that he killed the conversation.

        So at the back of the class we were talking, like 3-4 of us at least, and one guy would constantly rock up and add nothing to the conversation. There were times where he asked me aside (like to talk in private) but had no topic (just looked at me all gay-like, what?), so I just told him to piss off and went back to the group. After a while we didn’t even want to hear him out, the moment he speaks our train-of-tought dies. Later it became akin to bullying.

        There were more to this than that but there always is. If I have to give advice a “what are y’all talking about” so you can join in, instead of a “wow nice shirt” or some conversation starter when we are already talking about something and that something is completely irrelevant of shirts.

        But ye, imagine the scenario where you are talking about how nice it was that no annoying guy were at the party yesterday, and said annoying guy joined in going “nice weather, so what were you doing yesterday?”. An extreme example, but it’s a bad idea to go to a group with an ice breaker when there is no ice to break. My two cents is that asking about the topic is nice caz if they don’t want you to know or to talk to you they’ll just go “not much” or something similar and you can instantly read that you are unwanted and leave instead of adding more fuel to the fire.

        • Aurora@lemmy.mlOP
          11 days ago

          That makes a lot of sense, she was contributing to the conversation when she could