One idea I have is completely overhauling how we approach crime like giving criminals a reason to take the way out of crime.
One idea I have is completely overhauling how we approach crime like giving criminals a reason to take the way out of crime.
Regular crime is overwhelmingly the result of poor economic conditions. Govern well, uplift people’s living conditions and crime naturally fades.
I think you need to be a bit more specific abt the “govern well” bit.
Sorry I don’t have really have any super unique or sophisticated input to give on the topic at the moment lol. I simply wanted to state that I think crime is massively driven by economic factors and that the best to way combat it is to simply make genuine, effective efforts to improve people’s livelihoods.
People prefer the easier path, if it’s easier to be successful legally then people won’t turn to crime to maintain their goals. A government only need to focus on helping those worst off to reduce crime.
That’s a win for us gun rights community imo since why ban guns when you can simply fight the problem by its roots?