• 3 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: May 9th, 2024


  • I find it stranger year over year that we keep turning the world into a functionally shittier place for all but the owner class, yet we keep insisting on raising children to believe they have sunshine and lollipops waiting for them in the world.

    Fuck that. And I say that as a parent. My kid watches Hazbin Hotel, Archer, Rick and Morty, etc, and context is provided.

    Have fun lying to your kids through omission by pretending the world is fair, wholesome, and rated G until they’re a tween though. Most of them already know the shit you tried to hide from them through their friends unless you sequester them at home which is also a disservice to them.

  • We have defunded schools without enough teachers, school supplies, etc because the wealthy use the inane amount of capital they hoard to buy local government to cut their taxes. Then they set up Charter school escape hatches for some kids that they then profit from from publicly traded charter management companies. Those kids did nothing to deserve being caught up in their greed disease.

    We have economic segregation from the cradle. That’s no fucking better. Making more money should let you have a bigger car/house/TV/widgets, but we let some make so much that they use it as a cudgel to extract more from us to our detriment. Fuck their employee’s kids, theirs goes to a private school so starve the commons your company operates on but doesn’t want to pay for.

    But believe the dream all you like. Not like there’s hope since we’re literally terraforming the planet against being hospitable to our very physically vulnerable species for millions of years.

  • Because capital is an expression of power beyond material needs/wants, and even government can’t effectively govern a class of people that have enough capital to bribe officials en masse to literally bend the laws and regulations to their wills, including to make their bribery perfectly legal as they succeeded in doing here.

    That’s why fiscal conservatives were so aroused by the idea of making government, the government that is supposed to protect the citizenry from the whims of those with more power, “small enough to drown in the bathtub.” They succeeded. Our government is subservient to Wall Street’s dictates because we let a few citizens accumulate enough, and shrunk government oversight enough, to turn it into just another acquisition to manipulate to maximize short term private profit.

  • You do know it’s THAT rich guy that sets your salary, right?

    Which is why they need to be reigned in in a hundred different ways including this one, to force…any… responsibility to the society that FACILITATED their accumulation of such ridiculous levels of wealth to begin with, from roads, to utilities, to the preliterate workforce Pool they utilize and tear up for private profit more than normal individuals but don’t want to pay for.

    Unfortunately, the self-hating laborers that would waste their lives advocating we get comfortable attempting to satiate the insatiable greed of our oligarchs in perpetuity seem to keep forgetting their greed disease has us on an ever dwindling clock to ecological collapse/apocalypse, meaning no salaries, just death. As much as you may not want it to for the sake of your passive income earned made without actual labor, this capitalist laborer hostage situation for basic survival will end, because the climate can’t be bribed, negotiated with, bought out, cut in, or outsourced.

    No one solution can solve the problem of our greed class, and the top economic 10% of Americans own 87% of American stocks, so your attempt to frame this as an everyman issue is hollow.

    When we have conditionless housing available to everyone without shelter, when everyone has Healthcare, when no one goes to sleep hungry without enough to eat, then we can start talking about what people with asset portfolios are concerned about.

    Maybe society should focus on getting Bezos’s support mega yacht a support support mega yacht instead though.

  • Allonzee@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldLET IT RIIIIIDE
    10 days ago

    Developing World: You stole our water and supported the installation of brutal but market friendly leadership that’s friendly to exploiting our resources and people for foreign profit! We’re desperate and dying!

    Market Capitalist World: glug glug glug sorry, we couldn’t hear you over all this thirst quenching!