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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Crappy situation all around. Best I can tell, there arent many, if any large pieces equipment offered in electric. Probably not a popular European brand, but last I read, John Deere wasn’t looking to have anything for the mid-tier until 2026 and had no plans for the large fleet.

    It’s also not like farmers do a lot of equipment swapping; most I know use them and repair them until you simple can’t anymore. So, even if there were options coming onto the market, the percentage of those in the field would be very low to start and remain low for a LONG time.

    Helping farmers make a switch is a shortcut, but the equipment has to exist for someone to buy.

  • My initial reaction is “fucking gross”, but that’s only because Google Maps has taught me what map colors should be. I’m old enought to have used a book-based atlas even before Yahoo Maps was popular, but young enough I don’t remember what that coloring was.

    While I do find it harder to understand what is going on with the map, esp while driving, I’d be interested in reading more into why they made the change. So fucking help me God if this is just some graphic artists idea of what looks better…

  • Prefacing this question with the fact I’m an Android user and have never owned an iPhone. Saying this in the hopes people won’t think I’m an Apple fanboi trying to make a point…

    I haven’t been that interested in the EU legislation around this until now; I’m curious what happens when something comes out that is better than USB-C? Are companies stuck until new legislation is passed or is there some sort of auto update to the standard written in?

  • Shit. I 100% missed the company’s Twitter post in OP’s post. Thanks for pointing it out. I’m not even sure how; it’s like one of the first things there…

    Youre right; going by their statement, they agreed to help open a safe for a property that had a search warrant. However, they were not under a court order to open the safe. That’s the part I disagree with.

    For me, this is like if the FBI has a search warrant for your phone and the phone manufacturer agrees to help unlock your phone. In the US, the 5th protects you from being compelled to unlock your phone. If the manufacturer unlocked the phone without a court order compelling then to, I’d be upset with that company. (I’d rather not get in the weeds about what is going on with Customs and Boarder Guards. It’s a whole overreaching shit show…)

    Similarly, if a the police had a warrant to collect a blood sample and a medical facility proactively helped collect that sample without a court order compelling them to, that facility is assaulting a patient.

    I have issues with a locksmith helping gain access to a property, safe, car, whatever, too, if they’re not compelled to.

    The warrant doesn’t force people/companies to help the police with their search of the named people/locations. That’d come from a court order.

    People/Companies are free to set their own policies for how they’ll respond to law enforcement’s request for help, and people are free to agree or disagree with that policy. If they disagree with the policy, they’re free to spend their money elsewhere.

  • The safe being subject to a search warrant isn’t what concerns me.

    How/Why the manufacturer of the safe got involved is what concerns me and is the context here we’re missing. If they volunteered to open the safe, I have ideological difference from the company and wouldn’t trust them with my belongings. If they were issued a warrant/court order to open the safe and complied, now we’re in a gray area for me. If it isn’t publish they’ll comply with warrants and cooperate with court orders, then people didn’t get what they thought they were buying.

    Without knowing the details of their involvement, we’re just speculating and tossing out hypotheticals as to how we feel about it.

  • There are a couple of issues here.

    • Unless there was a warrant issued to the company, they’ve overstepped. If I buy a product to keep unauthorized people out, I have a reasonable expectation that means everyone.
    • In some states, you are liable for the crimes committed with your stolen firearms between the time of being stolen and when they are reported stolen. This is meant to cut down on the false claim something was stolen as well as encouraging people to secure their firearms. If a safe has a backdoor, it becomes a liability in this situation.
    • Unless the company had disclosed they had backdoors and would comply with warrants, then they sold a false sense of security.