He’s funny in small doses, but the traditionalist gatekeeping thing gets old.
He’s funny in small doses, but the traditionalist gatekeeping thing gets old.
Glad you sorted it!
Not 100% sure, but these come to mind.
I hope it gets better for you.
A few more tips came to mind.
Flonase works better for me, but some people respond better to Nasonex.
Also, sometimes switching to Allegra instead of Claritin often helps me when the Claritin isn’t working. It costs more, so I always switch back.
I have allergies and they suck.
Most of the year, a daily dose of OTC Claritin takes care of it for me. But sometimes in the spring or fall, the pollen counts get too high and the Claritin isn’t enough. Doesn’t help that I’m allergic to multiple types of pollen. What helps me a lot is to start taking OTC Flonase. It makes a huge difference. The thing with allergies is, the medications work better if you get out in front of the allergic reactions. You can catch up after they start, but it takes longer.
One tip that helps some folks is to take a shower before you go to bed. This can reduce allergens building up on your pillowcase. Obviously, launder your linens regularly.
Also, vacuum the house (wearing a mask) and replace your HVAC filters frequently. Consider getting better filters that are good for allergies (but note they are expensive).
Don’t forget the cabin filter in your car.
Finally, the absolute best allergy therapy that I personally know of is immunotherapy AKA allergy injections. This regimen is a major PITA, but it works really well for some folks. It basically trains your immune system to stop freaking out and tolerate the allergens. I did it as a kid and it completely eliminated my allergies until adulthood when I developed new ones. I have considered doing it again, but I’m making do with the OTC regimen for now.
I hope this was at least a little helpful. You have my sympathy. Allergies are no joke, they can be miserable.
Duluth Trading men’s “Buck Naked” boxer briefs are pretty good.
The DeDrm plugin and the most recent Calibre worked for me just yesterday on a brand new book. Something that’s easy to miss is that you need to put in the serial number of your kindle device and make sure you download the e-book for that same device. Otherwise the plugin won’t be able to decrypt it.
Cool. It’s mostly older stuff but here’s some info:
Do you like swords and sorcery? Sounds more like that genre than high fantasy. Not that I’m the genre police.
Similar observations here. I certainly haven’t seen everything, but what I have seen matches your description. I appreciate OP creating much-needed content.
I tried Zenni. What they sent me was not good. I’m not saying they are bad overall, this is only anecdotal evidence, but it was way off from what I needed.
At reddit, line must go up. So user experience must go down.
You’re right. Here in 2024 your version is more likely than mine.
I would assume they were exaggerating and/or were a consultant at some point.
I have a complicated prescription. I’ve tried the cheap glasses, no bueno.
500 seems like a lot, but I could see mine creeping up to that, given enough time. There are a lot of pedantic types online, they’re a trope at this point.
Mine have a tiny little chip in the coating on the right lens, it’s so annoying. If I take it in for repairs it will cost an arm and a leg so I just live with it. I have a 2nd pair but I’m keeping them pristine for as long as I can before I give up on these.
It’s a really nice app. Very customizable.
It’s been a while since I’ve watched him. You’re probably right. I hope so, that makes it funnier.