Haha. Thanks for that. I think you’re 100 % correct. I think the block function is definitely the right solution to it. I’m going to do that right now for the individual who was being dumb.
Again, thanks. Your comment definitely summed up this whole scenario.
I think this reasoning is why everyone is in this current situation.
It’s just a constant stream of pushing goal posts. Before you know it, you have a dictator running the country and they’re sending immigrants (or previously Jewish people) to be killed en masse.
I know that’s a very harsh comparison, but it all starts with people accepting small changes.
Question everything your government is doing, even if you agree with it. (Obviously not to the point of conspiracy theories haha)
Haha. Dodo. They did say it haha.
Can we do the same, but in a stew?
I edited my original post before you posted this. Capitalism = bad. I agree. Full stop.
Everything you assumed from my (original) edit is nonsense, I was just clarifying what exactly I was referring to in that comment.
Please don’t draw so many conclusions from such a small thing.
I’d say my views fit most closely with Anarcho-communism.
I don’t want to hear your views on that if they continue to be as hostile as your other comments.
So for the record, I did not want to argue anything about capitalism. I know it’s bad, I don’t agree with it, it’s terrible. It’s just that late-stage is where it’s currently at. I in no way support any sort of capitalism. That’s it.
Please don’t assume what I didn’t say, I am not “clinging to” anything.
Sorry, but it’s just upsetting when someone takes what you say out of proportion to fit their own point of view or whatever.
I’m not from the US. I’m happy with my country’s healthcare. I’m not trying to drag anywhere else into it.
Fair. I do not disagree with that.
Oh. Fair. Mainly that late-stage is where it gets the worst (maybe?). I’m not a huge fan of capitalism as a whole, but it just keeps getting worse.
Nothing really. Just wanted to make sure people knew I was referring to late-stage capitalism. (I’m also not from the US).
Maybe a decade late?
Capitalism as a whole.
Edit: at least late-stage, or whatever is going on in the US.
2nd edit: For those of you who are commenting on my “views”. I do not endorse capitalism in any way. I think everyone would be better off without it.
Capitalism = bad, hopefully that clears up the confusion.
Are you doing the importing or exporting? (Amazing username)
Don’t you just use iif?
Interesting, I’m not well-versed in pasteurization techniques.
Sorry to hear about the raw milk PTSD. I’ve never had it, and don’t plan on it.
Thanks for giving me something (UHT) to look into.
Oh, I wasn’t disagreeing with you. The 2 times I’ve used HF was enough for me. While sulfuric is definitely not the strongest, many lists ranking the “strength of acids” have it on top. I assume that’s where OP got that idea.
Someone else posted Fluoroantimonic acid, which seems like the one (at least for Hammett acidity function).
Be forbidden I guess.
I knew this would be here before I got a chance.