This seems like the perfect switch game.
This seems like the perfect switch game.
sorry. this was Midjourney
no, that’s jamás, Hamas is what Einstein exclaimed when he figured out what was missing in his famous equation.
❤️❤️❤️ thank you!!!
too late for anyone to see but this will be my avatar for sure.
nailed it.
I wish he meant doors 😂
when I lived in Switzerland I learned "the eye of the tiger - die eier von tiger (the balls or effs of the tiger)
Shit just works. Except when it goes down. But mostly. Still, the name is fire.
I haven’t been back at all.
They call me an MVP male.
I thought that was a hecking snek on the bottom right.
According to the official release notes this bad boy gets rid of some “UI jank” 😂😂
Oh no! Your arm!!! 😱😱 here you go: \
I’m a child. Comment.
Aren’t they a general in the revolutionary army with Dragon?