• 43 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • It’s not possible.

    By design, of course.
    For those who won’t look it up the takeaway is that when a massively popular, actually left leaning candidate makes it far enough in the race and poses a real threat to the establishment despite the hurdles it has already put in their way in the form of the media and state dictated education that sow hatred of anything remotely socialist, the media will then go in to overdrive to stop them from getting in to power by any means possible.
    And it works. Again - because of a combination of no education for critical thinking against the establishment, and a media that serves it.
    It’s one of the ways in which the system is rigged to always work in favour of the rich and powerful, and why elections are nothing but a charade (especially in a monarchy) - they will never let us have an equitable and just society that works for all of its members, they have too much to lose, and they would kill us all off in a blink if it protected their status (they already are). The time for fighting back in self defence is long overdue…

  • DessertStorms@kbin.socialtoUK Politics@feddit.ukSome of you may die
    1 month ago

    Lol, literally all of it.

    If anything, I can’t think of a single example of them opposing anything the tories have done in any substantial way, they don’t stand for the working class or the services we depend on, they don’t stand for marginalised people (not stepped up to protect disabled people, trans people, immigrants against the cuts and abuse we face, think BLM was a joke, just off the top of my head, I’m not doing your research for you), they’re neoliberal cons pulling the wool over the public’s eyes pretending to be an “alternative” when they literally serve the same people, and it isn’t you or me.

    Maybe try actually taking your head out of the sand of privilege protecting you from seeing the reality, and paying attention instead of buying in to and pinning your hopes on this charade, because Labour ain’t fixing shit for you.


  • Not sure I agree that conservatives can both “choose” to be like they are, and also be the victims of their upbringing in a toxic system. These 2 points you made seem to be contradictory.

    Not really.

    We are all subjected to the same propaganda, yet we’re not all conservatives, that’s enough to prove that there is choice involved (even if the choices are limited, and opinions externally influenced by and for the ruling class), but more to the point - no one is born conservative, and no one is forced in any way to support one political party or another, political affiliation isn’t something someone can’t help or control or change, making it a choice, unlike race, gender, sexual orientation, abledness, place and circumstances of birth, and so on, which are not.

  • Liberals play along plenty in to the division sown by the ruling class, but lets be fucking clear - conservatives choose to be that way, and are actively and vocally contributing to the problem, unlike Jews, immigrants, disabled people and so on…

    Is working class conservative Joe Shmoe responsible for the system and the one who needs to be removed from society? No, they’re as much a victim of it (and its brain washing propaganda) as any other working class person, and sure, many liberals fail to see this, but to compare calling out people who choose to actively support open and proud oppressors for their contribution, to scapegoating the people they oppress for existing as who they are, for the problems of society, is fucking gross.

    E: seriously, conservatives uphold conservatism - there is no conspiracy. 🤦‍♀️

  • I actually think it’s those that get so close to the truth, before veering to the right and blaming minorities instead of those who are really to blame (by design of those who are really to blame, of course) - blaming Jews for controlling the banks and the media (it’s the obscenely rich), blaming immigrants for poor work conditions/no jobs (it’s the obscenely rich), blaming disabled people for being a burden and leeching off the tax payer (it’s the obscenely rich), blaming whichever generation is currently in young adulthood for “destroying industries” (it’s the obscenely rich), and so on and so on…

    I guess they make me angriest because the truth clearly isn’t outside of the people who believe the conspiracy’s grasp, they’d just rather punch down, solve nothing, but continue to have minor feelings of superiority (which really ties in with the key to all belief in conspiracy theories - “I have special knowledge you don’t”), than punch up and actually try to resolve the issues they whine about…