A son is a son until he gets a wife. A daughter’s a daughter for the rest of her life.
A son is a son until he gets a wife. A daughter’s a daughter for the rest of her life.
digging in with equipment that can defend you is a lot different than digging in without it …
Might sound petty I won’t even listen to artists I’m convinced aren’t legit enough.
You have family in the business, born rich or something? Probably not on my playlist. I need the artists who scraped their knees and slept in shitty tour vans and were thugs and losers.
Invading a country is way way harder. You need absolutely definitive victories Russia isn’t getting that
Look at Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan/Iraq. It’s far easier to defend your home than go attack someone else’s. Russia’s moral is shit and while they have more bodies, I’d rather have ten motivated fighters than a hundred miserable fuckers.
Absolutely not true.
If a fifth grader and a lion got in a fight and after an hour both parties had lost an eye but still fighting
You’re not going to look at that and go “wow that fifth grader is doing really bad” you’re going to be like what the fuck is wrong with that lion? Shit was supposed to be over 1000 days ago.
Russia is absolutely losing. A middle school football team is crushing the Lakers in basketball.
Why would you do that to yourself lol?
You’re asking for her to revenge fuck anyone that’ll crush your soul
Yeah he’s gonna land hard and he bent the fuck out of that other knee too
already there baby ❤️
Just wait a year or two and it’ll be half the price or better
I just don’t really see anywhere in here a joke about transfolk, just about an old woman being ugly. I think the real joke is Austin is a bit insane I think this is soon after he’s thawed right?
Monotheistic religions did exist and were well known to them though
I don’t think that joke is very problematic. She’s not trans, he’s a spy. It’s more a joke about older women than anything
Lol exactly. This dude is still fully equipped, I see no flag not even a semblance of looking to surrender. Just cause his comrades suck doesn’t make him innocent, get the fuck out of the war zone then
Active participant in war
This isn’t paint ball you don’t get tagged and a ref says you’re out. You’re here on the field? It’s active war buddy
No because one is invading the other. If you’re really not trying to fight, go surrender. He isn’t and wasn’t, his friends being shitty doesn’t make this a war crime
absolutely 100%
Looney tunes brain over here.
They’re actively holding this building, these guys didn’t just fly a drone to nowhere and attack. This is very clearly the midst of a contested area, if he’s in that area and no sign of surrender, I see no white flag or anything resembling looking for someone to surrender to, what I see is some shit head drunk Russians getting their shit stuffed because their morale is shit.
Russia is literally forcing these people to fight, coming in here and saying anything about a war crime especially when nothing even close to one happens makes you an absolute dopey dope
Because that’s not the situation here.
This is soldiers completely operating with the intention of combat this is not a war crime at all. The guy looks drunk and at best this is a dereliction of duty.
This person isn’t surrendering, their allies are absolutely ready to fight. What’s the crime?
Something a lot of games forget. Customization and personalization is more of a dress up sim anymore, strategy is all ‘the meta’ and build paths and efficient strategies. I miss OG Deus Ex where I dunno what I’m doing but suddenly I found a vent and now I’m hacking a turret to kill the robot that beats my ass. Didn’t know any of that was possible five minutes before.
Games are all predictable, the systems are the same and the same engines/obsession with graphics make a lot of games play the same. The Witcher, Last of Us, Fallen Order/Survivor and Hogwarts Legacy they all feel the same in body language, controls, interactions, it’s stale.
Why is breloom in there