I feel immensely awful for this guy
I feel immensely awful for this guy
Same, non-cis white guy but I usually pick the not-me main character when given a choice. In Pokemon I’m a chick, in Stardew valley I’m a black chick, in Orcs Must Die 2 I’m the sorceress.
What kind of egotistical fuck chooses the “me” character every time
I wonder if they built some structure on top of the stone to make getting up and down easier or what?
Is there a reason the stairs are so steep?
The Russian speaking shit is so silly. half the world speaks English or Spanish or Hindi or Mandarin
Those countries now have claim on anyone who speaks the language?
This is how you know ruski culture is so backwards they’re like a century behind still
I honestly think this is what will happen.
They’re children. They’re panicking and trying to hide a mess, the adults will just walk in and fix it
their content will suck too
It’s because they’re convinced, through their own experience, there isn’t enough money to go around so we have to make more instead of use what we have wisely.
Aka send a plumber to the billionaires
yes. body this fuckin post.
🎵 Someone’s getting a new meat grinder 🎶
Besides you don’t wanna buy it at release
Haven’t any of these people learned?
So Russia can steal it again and get what they want it’s worked so far
oof good answer
Comments filled with propaganda bots defending a well known horrible regime
actually crying laughing after reading this
damn truest shit ever said
wow interesting. got anything I could read more on garum factories in Pompeii?
A pedophile thinks other pedophiles are nice people
I understand what you’re saying but how many Japanese military bases exist on US soil?
It’s not an equal seat
Not willingly. This is a core tenet of meoliberalism.
Japan has blurred porn because of the US. Any laws Japan has made that US citizens have to follow? Nope. How many Japanese military bases exist in America. 0.
They do not have an equal seat at the table.
what did Rodney Mullen do