I usually just say " odd, i cant seem to find that one"
I usually just say " odd, i cant seem to find that one"
They enabled ot by default. I use the satellite view and was shocked when the ui changed unexpectedly.
The point to me is more: dont change my settings without asking me. If I was using the default, fine, but i wasnt.
Videos are content. Being a content creator doesn’t require the content to be of value to everyone.
But making videos on the internet is literally content creation
Because apparently it’s okay to sexualize teenagers as long as its animated and not a real person. /S
A carpenter isn’t expected to use his tools with garbage grabbers (reachy claw things) either.
They are being explored for clinical applications like treating depression.
HZD hit different for me too. I think because it’s actually fairly believable that humanity could create something that would wipe us all out.
The emotional struggles she had as she learned avout herself and the treatment and trauma of her childhood had a lump in my throat like nothing else ever did.
When i load a page on my phone and 60% of the page is ads, then i scroll and there is another ad making 100% of my screen ads, for things i will never be into buying, it makes me not want to use that site.
Its one of the few games I’ve played through twice
The fact that Horizon: Zero Dawn hasn’t been mentioned yet is a travesty.
Royal Match and Royal Kingdom are both add free and free to play. You can buy stuff, but you dont need to