Fudoshin ️🏳️‍🌈

Careful. I bite. Rampantly homosexual. Massively depressed. Don’t take what I say too seriously, I’m probably having a wind up.

  • 106 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 18th, 2024


  • That’s awful but at least there’s a tiny silver lining…

    However, Paticia Zebrowski, University of Iowa assistant professor of speech pathology and audiology notes that the data that resulted from the experiment is the “largest collection of scientific information” on the phenomenon of stuttering and that Johnson’s work was the first to discuss the importance of the stutterer’s thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, and feelings and continues to influence views on stuttering greatly.

  • Pissed, hammered, spannered, rat-arsed, bollocksed, badgered, smashed, away with the fairies, banjaxed, tired and emotional, battered, can’t lie down without holding on, comfortably numb, drunk as a Lord/Judge, steaming, twatted, wasted, three sheets tut wind, lagered up, leathered, legless, pickled, off your tits/face/trolley, out yer tree, pissed as a fart, wellied, sayin hello to Mr Armitage, shit-faced, trollied, utterly carparked, etc, etc.

  • It was surprisingly nice! I’ve never been a fan of cooking. Food is more of a chore to me so I just throw whatever I need together into a bowl and eat it.

    I noticed I’m not getting much protein so decided to chuck my 2 highest protein foods into a bowl with a waffle to dry it a bit.

    The mackerel and cheese went together quite well. A kind of sour-sharp flavour with a slight sweetness from the sauce.

    I’d eat it again. 👍