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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • This mindset requires a silver bullet solution to class problems before the conversation about race can start. The practical effect of this is that ideas that would make the world piecemeal better for people of color (any people of color, not just blacks) are deemed not worthy of consideration.

    Similarly, because we’re talking about this argument being used to silence non-white voices, that means that there is an assumption that any pro worker solution to class problems that is dreamt up must be inherently better for people of color. Without listening to anyone who might tell you otherwise. It gets very White Man’s Burden-y.

    Basically, there’re two ways to interpret the idea that race problems are class problems:

    1. They’re the same, so if we only focus on one, that’ll solve the other
    2. They’re the same, so if we focus on both, that’ll solve the one real problem.

    The former excludes voices, and you should be mindful that it furthers the divide that those in power want. The latter is inclusive, and allows for multiple fronts against “The guy at the top”

  • For what it’s worth, at no point was I trying to misinterpret what you’re saying. I actually, really, appreciate your thoughts on this. I don’t entirely agree with your tactic, but I get it.

    Mostly, I think you friendly fire regularly. Sometimes, I really think people don’t get what you mean, because there was ambiguity. Sometimes you attack someone before they’ve made a point to disagree with. In this particular thread, the whole thing started with:

    Care to share any evidence towards the kicks being triggered by olfactory overload?

    Maybe I’m assuming good intent, but I don’t see a reason to assume that’s someone doubting you, over someone looking for some reading on cats. I made fun of you for you calling him ignorant with a copy and paste of a message you used on me, and I definitely didn’t have a point in the argument, and I definitely don’t see how any amount of reading comprehension of your earlier messages would have gotten me to a place of understanding that you were trying to out belligerent me.

    I would argue that asking for clarification or examples is not inherently disingenuous. It can be, but it’s also a requirement for healthy discussion. You are equally punishing well-intentioned curiosity. I suspect you maybe enjoy being abrasive more than your explanation accounts for… but I get that it’s sort of a bit, and you’re doing okay.

    I’m slightly concerned that you’ll push people away from the platform. The kind of trolling you’re doing is really hard to distinguish from the kind of trolling that makes Internet forums only really accessible to able bodied cis white males

    Your go-to seems to be some real ableist bullshit. This thread was about cats, and I’m not exactly sure we need to gatekeep it to people who hold up to your expectations for debating acumen.

  • I know you’ll respond with some ad hominem attack that doesn’t reference this message at all, but a few questions.

    How is asking if you’re okay a show of belligerence? How are any of your actions a show of decorum? You started by calling me illiterate, and just now called me a fuckwit. How does that fall into any definition of good faith communication? I stopped being angry at you. I’m not trying to insult you. But everything you say is so sad and pathetic. I legitimately haven’t been able to get you out of my head because I can’t stop thinking about your complete lack of self reflection.