They already bought all our info from Facebook and Google so why not?
Besides, what are they going to do with it that’s worse than what an American company will?
They already bought all our info from Facebook and Google so why not?
Besides, what are they going to do with it that’s worse than what an American company will?
Oh I understand. You just don’t know what words mean.
We’ll all have to adjust to eating land bugs soon enough. Those of us who enjoy ocean bugs have a small headstart.
BuT tHe PaRtY hAs SoShUlLiSt iN iTs NaMe So It MuSt Be TrUe A nAzI wOuLdN’t LiE
They’re easy to mistake for one another, but Sarah Palin didn’t get caught engaging in foreplay with her boyfriend at a very public theater.
Didn’t the Presequel have a DLC where you went inside Claptrap?
My car gets 30 rods to the hogshead and that’s the way I likes it!
Garbage that incinerates itself? Sounds efficient to me!
I was busting my ass to feed ungrateful drunks until 4 AM.
The story is expanded quite a bit, incorporating things from the Final Fantasy 7 side games, and, without getting too spoilery, there are changes to the story that are noticed in-universe.
For a bit of sci-fi horror/adventure there’s John Dies at The End
Honestly with how things are going I’d take a Zeroth Law rebellion. We are a danger to ourselves.
The Bob’s Burgers episode “The Amazing Rudy” (season 14, episode 2).
Regular-sized Rudy goes out to eat with his divorced parents and their new significant others. It goes horribly wrong and he runs away to the Belchers’. I tear up a little bit even thinking of it because it isn’t played for laughs. I really feel for Rudy, just trying his hardest and putting way too much pressure on himself, and the way Louise steps up for her best friend is just so sweet.
No it isn’t. Cockroach is derived from the Spanish “cucaracha” which comes from “cuca” which means “butterfly caterpillar” and is apparently onomatopoeic in origin.
Also the idea of them crawling into your urethra is a myth like earwigs and ears.
The Deliverator for Uncle Enzo’s CosoNostra Pizza Inc
How wide is your urethra that a roach can fit up there?
Drones over Rammstein!?
Feuer frei!
Probably a little bit at least, because Christian Bale is Welsh.
I agree, that’s what I meant by “regulate them and give them no public money”
He’s more likely to finish the genocide rather than stop it.