Aha, so that’s how we win the ex-pat gammons over to rejoining the EU…
At this point, what’s left to cut?!
BIzzare, no idea why it didn’t populate. Fixed, anyway, thanks :)
Everyone has done a cracking job of the questions, so all I’ll add is:
Most ISPs are nationwide.
Almost all fixed lines have no data caps.
If you’re in a standard area, go with a provider that costs a little more, but have good customer service, and know their arse from their elbow.
Zen are good imo. https://zen.co.uk/
If you already know your address, their site will check what you can get, and how much it will be.
If you get a friend to refer you, you also get a £25 love2shop voucher.
Fixed line contracts are usually for 12-18 months.
You can get one month ones (give me a shout if you want them pointing out), but you may be better off with a 5G dongle for short term accommodation.
Further detail:
Most ISPs use the same physical wires/fibres owned by OpenReach, or an altnet, which go from your house to the nearest exchange.
You normally cannot speak to the wire/fibre provider directly, any maintenance request has to come from your ISP.
So if there is ever a problem, you’re relying on the ISP doing the legwork. So good CS is critical, imho.
You pay the provider, they pay the cable owner to get it to them, then provide the backhaul.
There are some area based exceptions, like single-provider fibre.
And there is also Virgin. But I wouldn’t go with Virgin.
Also a high probability they have a 3D printer and are super excited for something useful to do with it.
“How do I get this working in 22.04?”
“Previous question answers this.” Tagged as best answer
“No, the previous question answers it with a method that was removed in 22.04”
You’d probably get better coding advice in the comments.
We should build more power stations like this, it’s clear they pay for themselves in bullion alone!
C&D sounds like a good way to scare someone who was wasn’t previously a Barrister, Bencher, Director of Public Prosecutions, and didn’t have a knighthood for services to law and criminal justice.
Maybe the best way to think about it is not dark, but the absence of more light.
On a DMD projector, we use tiny micromirrors for each pixel which flash thousands of times per frame of video.
The flash/no-flash ratio decides how much light makes it out of the projector. This gives us over a thousand light levels per colour channel, from near dark, to full light.
When the mirrors are not in position, the light output is very low. (1/1000th of the full output, on a projector with a static 1000:1 contrast ratio)
The screen is designed to reflect light well, which means in a non-perfect room, it will have a light floor of the reflected ambient light, plus whatever still makes it through the projector (as Cygnus mentioned, room treatment).
If you do treat a room well enough that the small amount of light that makes it through the projector at all-off is a problem, you can do things like fitting an ND filter to the lens (reducing the full light output, while also reducing the minimum).
Or you can use the dynamic iris fitted to some projectors (which reduces the amount of light being put out based on the overall scene illumination, similar to the way LCD TVs lower the backlight level to “reach” contrast ratios of 100000:1).
I love having a projector in the living room.
I won’t lie, it gets used far less than I’d like.
But it cost me almost nothing, and it’s just fun to have a massive wall of video.
Adrian Binnmann will be straight over as soon as you let that nice billionaire run the country.
AFAIK, LG still do not require internet access on first startup.
At least on their medium/high end lines (C and G series).
This was a hard requirement for me. Mine has never been on the internet.
If it’s anything like the congestion/clear air zones in the uk: Cameras on every entrance/exit to the zone do ANPR (Automatic Number/license Plate Recognition).
Any plates that haven’t pre-paid, or paid within 24 hours get a fine in the post.
It works really efficiently.
Oi! That looks a lot like French, sunshine!
You keep that up, people might think you’re one of those remoaners.
Maybe they’ll bring some friendly bombs for Slough.
Amazing how in the What People Are Saying section, the prime lettuce and that podcast wanker are higher up the billing than an actual MP and a senior from BBC Verify.
I knew I shouldn’t have given away my 7850!
Spoons and BD have been on my “do not drink at” list for a while.
This underlines the BD one for me.