Speaking of behalf of many of us in the Netherlands, yeah – we don’t get it either.
IMHO, should never have been allowed on the team.
Speaking of behalf of many of us in the Netherlands, yeah – we don’t get it either.
IMHO, should never have been allowed on the team.
Something I’d love to see made a thing: whenever you see him, just walk by and say “fuck off, Nigel”. No more, no less - but if everyone starts to do it… 👍
“He’s intelligent but not experienced. His pattern demonstrates two-dimensional thinking…”
Easy for many to jump on the “fuck Apple” bandwagon, but the EU doesn’t say what they want - just “nope, it’s not that…”.
But if you think about it, millennials could be pushing a dialogue in popular media that Boeing is part of the big industrial war machine, and deserves to die. I’ve heard lesser fabricated arguments on the Internet.
In any event, thanks for the heads up.
That’s it. No more Gouda for you.
Thanks for that. Sometimes I wish /s was more popular here, for tone-deaf people like me.
Grow up
Okay - sorry. Too many trolls have given me a bad reflex action
Makes sense. Highest voter turnout since 1989, voting for Europe and the Green Party/ D66 Liberal Democrats. Left party strong win - so of course non-Dutch media will say there’s a horse race.
It’s also a good lamb name too
“Hey, hey… don’t be mean; we don’t have to be mean; remember, no matter where you go, there you are.”
“This is a disappointment for the millions of Eurovision fans in the Netherlands and other European countries”
Netherlands: Meh. Best weather we’ve had in months. Let’s have a BBQ instead.
Everyones own milage may vary, I’m not going to argue every comment. Good they can use Linux though - my parents never wanted to know anything but be pure users, so I did the same for them and in out case Mac was easier.
I just don’t see the point of slighting any OS when it’s used as an appliance, which - for the most part with family, is its role.
And Linux is?
I want you to tell grandma how to update her video driver. Over the phone.
DDG gets their results from Bing
It’s also basically a dev kit. $1.4B is not nothing.
Agreed. While I agree that having alternative App Stores is a good thing, I’m not about to jump in myself and use the first one that comes along. I appreciate Apple’s drive for security and I want to see how things play out first.
That I can only use it for this app makes me want to just stick with my miyoo mini+ and not bother.
Thanks for this. China keeps trying to wipe away this event by having any image deleted. It needs to be reposted and seen often.
Come to @apple_enthusiast here and watch the haters play. I wish it were just reddit.
I bet they’re using it to train.