I think rank choice will result in third party but it will take some time. Our republic system does make it slower though compared to parliamentary systems.
I think rank choice will result in third party but it will take some time. Our republic system does make it slower though compared to parliamentary systems.
Chicago has had a few. In particular at the protest for science there was a dude in a trump in diapers blow up costume.
There is nothing limiting it to two parties. honestly its first past the post that is more of an issue.
I appreciate the effort but I have to wonder if folks hanging inside Auschwitz had conversations like this.
Yeah but now the voice says hes been picked up by ice and they are sending them off and don’t care about his citizenship or due process.
Don’t know if it will help but I had an issue with piefed where my username had capital letters in it and apparently the system did not like that.
im from the us and im finally really learning what its like to live in russia.
I mean your likely fine. Online is incredibly hard because its text and you don’t know the person. When talking its so often a friend or at least someone from your area so the way of talking might be more similar. I think of the southern bless your heart thing. Im pretty sure that was a sincere thing a few decades ago but not its considered some sort of backhanded compliment. folks are wierd.
woa woa. My comment was not meant to be dismissive or to argue against you posting. Sorry if it seemed that way. Was more my way of saying its not an isolated thing and its so surprising the folks that will support these guys and not be knowledgeable enough to know its a bad move.
Thats wild. I don’t have much hope for llm’s if things like this is how they are doing things and I would not be surprised given how well they don’t work. Too much quantity over quality in training.
Do we have to go that far back? Haven’t putins early supporters suffered from sudden severe impact syndrome?
Any idea what the point of these are then? Sounds like its reporting a fake bug.
You get my standard reply that I use zorin which is an ubuntu based distro that tries to give the look of feel of windows and has a lot of default installed things like wine/playonlinux, libreoffice, app for disc burning, rdp client, basically most everything I would want for day to day use. It is not necessarily the best gaming distro and its certainly not bleeding edge. Its a great install and get to doing things right away distro to me which is what I want.
lack of sun in winter means its right out. its always nice to not be bundled up but height of summer can be oppressive which is like mid to late. Thing with spring and some degree fall is it can be wet and colder than you want for rain. I don’t know if I have one favorite season but I think I have the most days I enjoy being outdoors in the summer with it usually tending to be earlier summer and then spring and then fall with winter being the bottom of the tier. Even if the sun were out in winter I think it would be bottom. Its nice having a few snowy days to enjoy if its not bitterly cold but it loses its charm pretty fast.
can’t wait for this to be in distros by default.
Tell me you never owned a golden retriever without telling me you never owned a golden retriever.
I mean boomers were not necessarily watching the shows at that time. Its possible it was more silent generation or greatest generation. I mean I don’t know but also who watches what now is abit skewed due to all the options. Streaming stuff was not until post 2k, flicks by mail were late 90’s so before that was just broadcast, cable, and video shows and that came in the 80’s. Before that was just broadcast. Its one reason everyone knows friends and seinfeld because it was still in the time were nearly everyone watched what was broadcast and if they missed it they could tape it.
yeah im just saying one show does not mean anything. heck andy griffith was more a small town show than a cop show. The town was so small that the sherrifs office was one of the few public services in the area. It was more akin to little house on the prarie. I mean going the opposite we have blue bloods, chicago p.d, swat, fbi, the rookie, oncall are all recent cop shows but we also have 911, chicago fire, station 19. I would say cop vs general emergency responder vs hospital/doctor show ratios are not that different today than back when boomers were the main television audience. Those types of shows were always popular structures to run dramas from. Both I would say have about the same on private eye type stuff although there was a period. sometime around the original fantasy island I would say. were there was an unusually large amount of private eye ones for some reason.
Im going to get so many pc upgrades. woohoo.