• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • You’re clearly not cherry picking. If you were, you might have some articles that at least hint that ECs might be more harmful than cigarettes, but none of them come close. The first link you posted gets the closest, but it’s also just an article about one experiment, using 4 liquids that are not recommended in EC communities.

    The rest of the actual studies you posted are not about safety. They do not compare disease or illness or death between the two. One of them does compare the amount of toxic chemicals in ECs to cigarettes and finds ECs to have zero. Until there are long term studies comparing the rate of death and disease, no journal is going to publish any definitive answer that ECs are safer than cigarettes. Until then, we will just have a bunch of studies comparing chemical composition, rates and particle sizes. And if it isn’t obvious, chemical composition and their rates are a bit more worrisome than the latter.

    If you read through these studies and still think vaping is more harmful than cigarettes, then by all means wait the 50 years it will take the scientific community to out right say the obvious “vaping isn’t healthy, but it is significantly less harmful than traditional tobacco smoking.”

  • I remember having a text to speech program on my windows 98(?) PC that required me to type a long string of stuff into the command prompt. We had it written on an index card and I remember it taking forever to type in. Between starting up the computer, typing in the code, and having it actually load if typed correctly the first time, it was nearly a 30 minute endeavor just to laugh at a computer voice say “poopy butthole herpes”.

  • Ignorant take. When vape products contain, at most, 6 ingredients, all of which have been individually extensively studied, none of which are carcinogenic, and 5 of them are FDA approved for food and pharmaceuticals, theres a pretty obvious harm reduction to inhaling thousands of compounds with at least 70 being carcinogens. So much so that every study you can find will conclude the same.

    Here’s a quote from a source I would call a qualified institution on the matter: "In its 2016 assessment, the Royal College of Physicians of London stated: “Although it is not possible to precisely quantify the long-term health risks associated with e-cigarettes, the available data suggest that they are unlikely to exceed 5% of those associated with smoked tobacco products and may well be substantially lower than this figure.”

    That isn’t pseudoscience. It’s easily found by a quick Google search.

    Conclusively, we’re going to find that the tobacco industry makes far less money off of refined nicotine than it does from tobacco. There’s a reason Phillip Morris bought a 30% stake in Juul, ran their advertising into the ground, and now also exclusively funds anti vaping ads rather than anti tobacco product ads.

    They hooked a new generation on nicotine with Juul and are trying to ban vaping to sell their higher profit margin cigarettes.

    Whether my conspiracy conjecture is found to be true or not, studies comparing vaping to smoking keep coming to the same conclusion, vaping is less harmful than smoking. If you have a study or information to the opposite I would love to read it.

  • Or just use your aging sponges in a rotating lifecycle. I have 4 stages/sponges at one time that slowly get demoted as they age.

    1. New sponge only gets light jobs. Scrapped clean dishes, pans that just need the oil washed off.

    2. Middle stage wear is used for stuck on foods and generally more gross dishes.

    3. Not usable for dishes, but good for counter/stove tops.

    4. Dirty jobs. Nothing food related. Floors, bathrooms, use with disinfectants.

  • I would wager the capitalists with billions of dollars have a bit easier time passing legislation than any of us commoners do.

    They are the force.

    I’m just saying if everyone that steals from Walmart then goes online to tell everyone that they stole, and everyone pats them on the back, don’t be so surprised when Walmart invests to have officers guarding the exit, and pushes some mandatory minimum sentences to make shoplifting harder and riskier.

  • I never said to stop talking about them. I said people who do pirate should stop openly telling people that they do so. To say there is nothing corporations and the government can do is downplaying their power. The senate already thinks the internet is a series of tubes. Let’s not give them a reason to plug those tubes.

  • IDontHavePantsOn@lemm.eetoPeople Twitter@sh.itjust.worksCrunchyroll
    8 months ago

    Businesses aren’t implored to be less shitty or charge you less. Businesses are implored to upheave whatever avenue you use to steal possible profit. When Businesses hear everyone is pirating again they aren’t going to lower their prices or increase their service value. They are going to give pirates the shift.

    Read between the lines. If you want to continue pirating don’t talk about it online. If you want them to feel it in their wallet, don’t talk about it.

  • IDontHavePantsOn@lemm.eetoPeople Twitter@sh.itjust.worksCrunchyroll
    8 months ago

    I encourage everyone who cares about piracy to not talk about it in an outright and encouraging manner. Here’s some examples based on what people are publicly posting:

    -“This is why we commit crimes”

    -“I think it’s crazy that everyone doesn’t commit crimes.”

    -“Committing crimes is justified when I can’t do it legally.”

    Do you think corporations would be upset with people encouraging what legally equates to theft?

    Do you think corporations are unaware of if their legal property is popularly being stolen?

    Do you think corporations avoid scraping lemmy for data or trends?

    Do you think corporations have unreasonable power to lobby government and push legislation?

    Maybe you should all quit narcing yourselves and making a public spectacle before another wave of legal action takes place to dissuade another generation, like what happened back in the Napster days.