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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Fun fact: we do have bad schooling and overloaded teachers in here… Not to mention the bullying problem that even the ex-president was worried about. The quality is dropping because +300 students are being crammed under the same roof. And the politicians are only making it worse by not letting the teachers do their job and are cutting costs. (Constantly shifting how to do their job) This will not go down well for any students that have even minor difficulties in learning…

  • If any one would hear that in my country it would be the fiasco of the century. (we have had one) You aren’t even allowed to go near the studying line if you have any criminal record. When the police make an mistake in my country, there will be an investigation. And the investigation is done by a party not in the normie police force, which can and does lead to convictions of the members police force.

    Instead, Americans: here is your gun, go shoot and kill anything that moves, you are unimpeachable.

  • JATth@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldPronouns
    2 months ago

    I think (in general) any one should be just allowed to say “oops” in any situation, in any case, however bad it is, to note he/she/(add any extra pronouns) has said/done and gone something that should not have happened or taken place. It’s like software crashing of thinking, which happens and will happen more than we would like to.

  • JATth@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    2 months ago

    So, now they are slowly (or immediately and forever, I don’t know the time span) injecting propaganda into their clone of wikipedia and they are simultaneously thus admitting they are doing it. (to further brainwash the russian citizens)

    So lettme repeat: FUCK PUTIN, and stuff your rubber clones in your ass. (which there are many of)