• 4 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • Cuba might get the short end of this one. If it becomes too embarrassing for our military/government they might cut off relations. And Canadian tourism is a big sustainer of Cuban coffers. Canada could cut off that income by blocking travel there, or even just declaring it as an “avoid all travel” zone, effectively cutting off tourism.

    The truth is, we don’t know what’s going on. Maybe this was a deliberate decision to get closer to the Russians without triggering an incident. Maybe the US knew about this and approved it. Maybe it was a blunder, but we can’t just assume it was.

  • I couldn’t handle the wall of text with no context on what it would be about, so here’s a TLDR from ChatGPT:

    The blog post by Michael Roberts critiques the optimistic predictions of AI’s economic benefits, arguing that AI may not significantly boost productivity and could exacerbate inequality. Roberts highlights economist Daron Acemoglu’s skepticism, noting modest productivity gains and potential negative impacts on wages and job quality. The post stresses that AI’s benefits depend on its application and warns about the high energy costs and environmental impact. It calls for AI to be developed for human welfare rather than profit.