Memes don’t matter if revenue climbed
Memes don’t matter if revenue climbed
Specifically from Tim Hortons, which despite not having been Canadian in ages still gets treated like a Canadian icon.
But as a result yeah, often referred to that way in common culture.
As a Canadian it looks like a timbit being used for scale
Those still exist, you are just not invited to them 😛
They hand waved away the holodeck power thing in Voyager by days something along the lines of it is a different type of power that wasn’t worth trying to convert to normal power for some reason. Basically just another Voyager excuse to ignore the premises of the show unless they happen to be bored that day.
I always carried purple, none of the guys I knew would steal a purple lighter and I always knew which where mine.
I think in the third case the symbiont wouldn’t be in Sto’Vo’Kor. It didn’t die. So a Jadzia returning would be without Dax. So then the question would be would she return with the Dax memories or not.
I have never seen a specialist without a giant wait-list. These providers tend to have too many patients so they have a negative incentive for trying to make it easier to reach them.
Don’t forget the classic r/Superbowl. Greatest sub reddit scoop in the history of Reddit.
This game has some of my favorite rpg art I have ever seen.
And the first sentence literally describes the scientific definition of bug…
Not a movie but zomboat is a fantastic British zombie tv series.
I work for a Canadian EMR company and we deal with a couple of options for medical voice software. I know Dragon naturally speaking has a medical offering that likely would meet any regulatory requirements. There are also some subscription based ones that I don’t know if there are US versions of, but If you google the medical options you should be able to find some options.
No idea but I love it
I really don’t think I would have a cat anymore if that happened more than once…
I don’t think this is a scale, it looks an awful lot like an otolith, which is a calcium carbonate buildup from inside a fishes head. These are often used by biologists to age a fish similar to counting rings on a tree.
I still don’t know what species would have one shaped like that but it may help you to look in better places to identify it.
Memes only matter if they effect revenue. If profit climbed then the stupid stays.