They messaged me like three times. Jokes on them I’m too poor to even look at pictures of Toronto.
They messaged me like three times. Jokes on them I’m too poor to even look at pictures of Toronto.
Well now the Chinese and Russians just need to get a way into Shartlink and they can also monitor you and your government.
Holy shit Elon looks worse than Trump somehow. It’s uncanny. He looks ghoulish.
For a non-joke answer. ERP in this context means Enterprise Resource Planning. It basically allows you to do everything an enterprise requires with one software system instead of using several different ones.
Wasn’t there another type of meeting like that and all the GOP representatives just didn’t show up or send anyone? Yeah, they won’t show up to have people yell at them.
Yes. People are that stupid.
I remember seeing a news article about this one woman that sent thousands of dollars to some scammer that pretended to be Brad Pitt. They sent her some hilariously badly photoshopped photos of Brad Pitt in the hospital and she still didn’t catch on. Or she didn’t even bother to like Google if Brad Pitt was actually in the hospital. Scammers don’t want people that can spot a scam, they want people like that woman and boy there are plenty like her out there.