Oh no.
Thanks for letting me know. I may have access to that kind of furnace, but I’m not sure I could convince them to put my stupid little colander in there, because that’s silly.
I appreciate your insight, even though it makes me sad. I kinda thought that might be the case, though. Cheers.
That’s a great point. The dishwasher itself isn’t usually the problem, though, right? It’s letting things air dry in there, so water sits in crevices. If you take things out immediately and towel-dry them, they’re fine.
I don’t typically wash things with metal crevices in the dishwasher because I’m too lazy to be hawkish like that, and cookware/lids and knives are strictly forbidden anyhow. If I have to work to restore this thing, I’ll never let it air dry again.
The CLR did kill every sign of rust, so silver linings.
Yes, I think that’s the one. It was more expensive when I bought it, and they’ve since discontinued it, which is likely why it’s out of stock.
I do like the white interior, since it more closely matches the one my gran left to me that was rusted beyond use.
$30 is kind of a lot for my budget, and I prefer to repair things rather than replace, because consumption bad. That’s a good metric for effort and materials, tho, so thanks!
edit to your edit: I have the bright cherry red one, which doesn’t seem to be available on eBay. It looks pink or salmon because I ruined the outer coating, but it was a glossy cherry red like in your first link before I adulterated it.
Thanks for all your research!
Oooh. Thank you!
The product description said ‘powder-coated enameled finish’, and I had thought ‘enameled’ may have referred to the outer layer I destroyed. So now I’m just dealing with the powder coating.
I think I’ll try your recommendation first – it’s the most food-safe and makes the most sense to me. Kinda worried I’ve irreparably ruined it without re-coating and re-firing it. I hope that’s not the case, and the ‘enameled’ part referred to the white inner bit which didn’t dull in the soak.
e: maybe someone who knows more about these terms than me will chime in? I know a little about them because my grandmother taught ceramics and my father is in aviation where they do powder coatings, but not enough, obviously.
Oh, like the kind for cars?
That’s a great idea, thanks! If it works, I can send it through the dishwasher a dozen times and it should be fine, right? It’s the outer coating and I don’t plan to lick it much.
Thanks for the suggestion!
I have some of that, but I’ve had it dull proper enamel fired coatings before because it’s very abrasive, so I’m scared to try it on this.
It’s great for knives and other bare metals. I guess it can’t make it much worse, though, so I’ll try it in a small area, thanks for the suggestion!
I’m hoping to, thanks! I’m not sure what to polish it with, though, especially because it would have to be food-safe…
That’s in reserve for when his face is added to Mt Rushmore (after which the Lakota hopefully reclaim and restore it to their sacred mountain).
e: links and tribal name
Staring straight at you whilst shoving something breakable off a ledge is the only sort of thing that typically warrants a spritz, imo. It’s not a good method to change behaviour (hissing is best for that, since that’s how they reprimand one another), but for blatant disrespect, a spritz will work – so long as it’s an in-kind reaction to shock, and so long as good behaviour is a bit over-rewarded afterwards (as if to say let’s do this good thing instead). It can be effective to get their attention, though.
The overwhelming majority of cats aren’t actually dicks, they usually have a reason for acting out, even if it isn’t obvious to us. It’s best not to be adversarial with them unless necessary, because they have a large emotional repertoire, including vindictiveness.
We’ve been staving off fascism for decades, so yes, every election has been a crisis. If you’ve only been paying cursory attention, it may have sounded like we’ve been crying wolf, but if you actually looked up from your daily tasks and paid attention, you’d have seen the actual wolves circling the village.
Now their plotting has paid off and they’ve breached our perimeter. Unfortunately, it’s harder to do something now the wolves are savaging the villagers. Instead of being annoyed with the people who called this and still saying we shouldn’t have raised the alarm, maybe finally join the efforts to do something about it.
e: my autocorrect failed
e2: The influencers at the founding of the US knew the wolves would always be at the door, because the nature of sociopathic demagogues hasn’t changed for centuries.
Benjamin Franklin was asked what type of government the Constitutional Convention adopted, and he said: ‘A republic, if you can keep it.’
The only way I can think to describe is kind of like, you know when you’re driving over rumble strips in your car, and you can feel the vibration in your body? A human hearing sound would be like the vibrations at, say, a moderate speed, and a dog would hear/feel them at a slower speed. A hummingbird would feel them at so slow a speed, they could almost feel each bump separately.
I’m not sure how to explain the accompanying pitch, except that it’s like a shift in colour – when the sound slows down, it also lowers in pitch, so an analogy could be that if a human would hear a medium pitch (which we could call blue), a dog would hear a lower/deeper pitch (which in this analogy would be a deeper/darker blue).
Does that help, or am I making it more confusing?
For months after I first got my (rescue) cat, every time I took a shower, she would sit right next to the bathtub and cry the whole time. I always wondered if she thought I must have done something really bad.
You’re right. I forgot about the lawsuit and settlement (for $65m). They’re both frauds.
Thanks, but I’m too disabled even for that now, because everyone requires some amount of office time – even if it’s absolutely unnecessary.
Even my doctors are now requiring yearly in-person visits, though they never did before, and even though I’m 100% medically homebound. I’m currently trying to square a circle to get my heart meds refilled. Back in 2021 it was no problem, but now they’re saying insurance post-Covid requires a yearly in-person visit regardless of circumstance, because people were abusing it, so no tolerance.
I don’t expect it to change. I’ve had a chronic pain condition for a long time but can’t get pain meds either (per insurance) because people have abused that. So I just take enough OTC Tylenol to ruin my liver and cry.
Insurance rules fuck people with chronic conditions, all the time.
I knew a Karla, but she was from Romania. Fantastic person. I miss her.
I taught myself programming in the 80s, then worked myself from waitress and line cook to programmer, UXD, and design lead to the point of being in the running for an Apple design award in the 2010s.
But I cared more than anything about making things FOR people. Making like easier. Making people happy. Making software that was a joy to use.
Then I got sick with something that’s neither curable nor easily manageable.
Now I’m destitute and have to choose between medicine and food, and I’m staring down homelessness. (eta I was homeless from age 16-18, and I won’t do that again now, with autoimmune dysautonomia and in my mid-50s, even if the alternative is final.)
Fuck these idiots who bought their way into nerd status (like Musk) or had one hot idea that took off and didn’t have to do anything after (this fucking guy). Hundreds or thousands of designers and programmers made these companies, and were tossed out like trash so a couple of people can be rock stars, making more per hour than most of us will see in a lifetime.
Slay the dragons.
It sounds like there wasn’t an extra coating that I removed, but that I just etched the fired coating, making it dull rather than glossy – so it’s the same outer coating that existed, it’s just not glossy anymore. In theory, it’s still as food-safe as it was, but it’s porous now (it kinda feels like silicone).