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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • I don’t want a dumb phone. I want a circa 2014 smart phone that is not expected to replace my laptop and serve as a constant data stream for corporations. I want to be able to visit a website on my phone and not have it try to get me to download an app, be ads on 70% of the screen, or just be unreadable formatting. Let me call, text, do a basic online search, play a stupid flash game, and take my money. Stop being greedy and trying to make everything I do monetizable

  • Ok then what is your point?i don’t mean to be facetious but is that’s not your point, it’s heavily implied in your second&third paragraphs, then it seems your point is that the people who criticize her haven’t read her work. That’s not really a stance worth arguing as there’s not a lot of evidence or rhetoric that can be brought to support it.

  • Objectivism is a self centered and unsustainable philosophy. Rand founded and describes it as “the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute”. A society where every person strives only for their on happiness and as the main character in the world is arguably one of the least viable social systems. That is pretty much the set up of an oligarchy.

    Also your argument that she lives through something terrible so she can’t be wrong because that’s her experience doesn’t support her philosophy. She can still be a hypocrite and patently wrong without discounting her early life.

  • Answer their question with questions. If they ask about your weekend all about their’s then followup on a detail. They will talk for a couple minutes then end with some version of “hey great chat but I need to get a couple things done”. If you want to remain approachable you need to give people the chance to talk but also don’t really need to share much of yourself. Keep tabs on the easy things(kids, spouse, etc) and you have a lot of variations of very basic questions for a short conversation. How’s kid liking school? Did you and spouse have a nice weekend? Then one or two follow up questions to them and you can end the conversation without the other person feeling like you blew them off.

  • If you are interested in noon fiction my favorite is Too Big for A Single Mind by Tobias Hurter. It’s about the beginning of the atomic age with a heavy focus on the interpersonal relationships between all the physicists working on atomic and quantum theory at the being of the 20th century. There is no hard math and most of the concepts discussed are so foundational now that they are taught in high school so it is easy to follow the science. The audio book has fantastic narration as well.

  • I was doing the audio book and stopped about halfway through. It was a very well layed out and explained narrative of the history of the Renaissance in Italy but the audio book format is just not good for a book this dense. There was too much information for me to keep track between all the various families and political factions and assists. When I have the time to read it I’ll go back to it but I need the ability to flip back a chapter or two easily for a refresher on who various people are.

    Overall if you are interested in Renaissance history, politics, or art I would recommend the book but not the audio book. It got into a lot of detail on all the mid level players in a way I haven’t seen previously and does a good job of tying together the way politics influenced art and the daily life of artists and vice versa.