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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2020


  • Manmoth@lemmy.mltomemes@lemmy.worldGolden rule
    3 months ago

    What? Because orthodox is the one true version of Christianity.

    Yes exactly. It is the one true church of apostolic origin and is over 2000 years old. It is the supreme authority on the interpretation of text. When you read about the Pentecost Christ ascends into heaven and leaves the apostles in charge of his body (e.g. the church). The patriarchs of the Orthodox church can trace their episcopate origins back to those very same apostles. You can look it up.

    Of course it is poor exegesis, I started with “If we take it literally”.

    You don’t have the historical, theological, philosophical, anthropological or linguistic expertise to begin to properly exegete the text. You and many others are simply taking a modern perspective and forcing it onto a document that was a contemporary of Nero. Since the days of Christ Church Fathers have spent their lives reading, translating and exegeting texts. Misinterpretation isn’t just a problem with those outside the faith but also heterodox Protestants and to a lesser extent Catholics. Mormons think they have the right interpretation for example. People don’t realize that there is and always has been a final authority on the scriptures and it’s the Orthodox church and it’s traditions. You can read the canons from early synods and ecumenical councils if you want to see what I mean.

  • Manmoth@lemmy.mltomemes@lemmy.worldGolden rule
    3 months ago

    Where are you getting that from?

    Luke 20:45-47 Beware of the Scribes 45 Then, in the hearing of all the people, He said to His disciples, 46 “Beware of the scribes, who desire to go around in long robes, love greetings in the marketplaces, the best seats in the synagogues, and the best places at feasts, 47 who devour widows’ houses, and for a pretense make long prayers. These will receive greater condemnation.”

    If we take it literally, I see two options:

    Poor exegesis incoming… I recommend getting an Orthodox Study Bible and reading the footnotes that follow along with each verse. The interpretation from the Church isn’t isolated to scripture but includes church tradition and the analysis of the Church Fathers.

    The short version, however, is that the “money changing” was an exploitative racket the Pharisees used to enrich themselves.

  • I can’t wait for you to No True Scotsman away all of those Christians

    I’ve already explained that people are inherently sinful and capable of committing atrocities when they don’t follow Christ’s teachings so I’m not going to readdress this point.

    you’ll also have to credit the Holocaust, which was supported by a large number of German Christians, both Catholic and Protestant, who accepted the idea that their God wanted all the Jews dead

    I don’t have to accept anything much less that their hypothetical exegesis has no grounds in any of the church fathers or even modern theological opinion. Any Christian undertone in National Socialism was exactly that, an undertone. The Nazis leveraged any social identity that wasn’t nailed down and arced it towards a human agenda in this world. That’s not Christianity. That’s something else. If you disagree find the passage in the NT where Jesus says Christians should kill all Jews.

    More importantly who defeated Hitler? Christians. In large part it was Orthodox Christians from Russia who were being terrorized by an atheist communist regime at home that was murdering their clergy, destroying churches, throwing their citizens in gulags and starving their population to death. They were forced into the battlefield, often without even a rifle, to fight the Germans and they succeeded. Europe has had 70+ years of relative peace since then.

    He also says to follow all of the abhorrent Old Testament laws. That’s what the “not one jot or tittle” passage is about.

    Wrong. Christians are bound by ten commandments and the other moral teachings but circumcision is no longer required, the Sabbath day was changed, dietary laws were relaxed to the point of not existing and most importantly salvation was extended to the gentiles and the brutal punishments of the Old Testament were done away with. Christians don’t pass their sins to a chicken and slaughter it instead we confess our sins to one another and seek absolution at the foot of the cross.

    Sin is a transgression against a specific god. Your god is not the god of the majority of the Earth’s population, so no, they are not inherently sinful just because you have declared them so and your And I have read the New Testament. You read it. Especially John 3:18 where Jesus condemns anyone in the world who doesn’t worship him to eternal torture.

    Sin is sin and there is only one God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit. I don’t declare them as sinners, God does. You know that I’m going to say this since you’ve read New Testament. I’m Orthodox so we have a slightly different but much older, early Christian view of hell. Essentially hell and heaven are the same thing, an experience of God. For those that are sanctified the experience is heaven and for those that are not it is hell. Atheists always equate the heaven or hell debacle to some megalomania when in reality worshiping and serving God is objectively the best thing for man to do. It is the ultimate fulfillment of life on Earth to live in humility, generosity, compassion for fellow man and reverence before the Creator. Everything that is good flows from Him so by worshiping God in earnest man is capable of “Theosis” (e.g. partaking in the energies of God) To turn away from God is hell.

  • People are inherently sinful. It’s a fact and also a fundamental belief of Christianity. As a result even if you give human beings a blueprint for a virtuous and peaceful life they will often ignore it or worse do something inherently sinful under the banner of Christendom. It’s human nature.

    What I can say with confidence is that if a Christian lives according to doctrine they will live the best, most compassionate life possible. If they ignore it then they will live like anyone else. Mohammed bought & sold slaves. There is a difference.

    Modern progessives have no idea how much of their worldview originates in Christianity. Go sincerely read the New Testament and the teachings of Jesus Christ instead of pointing fingers as to why a fallen world is fallen. You will find teachings that champion the poor and down trodden in a way that is radical even today.

    More importantly the lunch program has been in place for over 70 years and was created by an America far more Christian than it is now so this “meme” is crap.