I don’t buy a lot of games that have pre-order any more but no, I don’t. If I want to buy it before it is released and have a pre-order I do it the same day or just the day before release but I think I will stop with this too.
I don’t buy a lot of games that have pre-order any more but no, I don’t. If I want to buy it before it is released and have a pre-order I do it the same day or just the day before release but I think I will stop with this too.
Yes!! Saw this game a while back and been waiting with anticipation!
I often sort and read negative reviews, the ones that are well written. Then if it’s still interesting i read a couple of positive ones to get a better sense.
Works for me.
Just reading random ones is pretty bad indeed. Gotta be source critical like always.
Deport them to… Where? Space? I hope. Without oxygen.
Have to integrate gamification/gambling in everything to maximize profits! The general mass is to stupid to see it.
Brought my steamdeck to our new years party and managed to snag 2 others to play brotato in multiplayer for a bit. I thought it would be more popular to play some games since that is how we all know each other. Otherwise it would have been Factorio: space age.
Almost 2k here
Nah man. I also heard this back when I was a kid in the 90s. It came from our news channels, not teachers in school.
I thought i would wait but since you get your money spent on EA as in-game currency also I bought it. Also noticed that I had a ton of stash tabs already as they transfer from the first game also. In days of scummy microtransactions and moneygrabbing companies this was a really nice move of GGG.
6 months is the plan.
Yup. Pretty good and also pretty hard.
Sounds like a good chance to catch up with my backlog of games.
I would check so I can play everything I want offline then just get as much as I can.
Did it change anything from the release? I know I beat it on my first try but I also remember that I was lucky with something because of something. This was in the first week of the release.
Exactly this. I love that it exists, that someone took a chance in making it and that it is successful. Just not for me :)
I read a lot about it and sounded like it would be very good stuff Bought it and played for just under 2 hours. Some games I played for quite a bit and others I just quit after like 5 minutes. Refunded.
I grew up with a NES and have played games since I was 4 so I have had my fair share of games like this but I just can’t stand these old games any more. There is nothing fun for me in them as I think they are just tedious. I don’t know, it feels like I am the only person not liking this game but that is okay. I gave it a try and really looked for something that would catch me by nope. Afterwards I have watched some streams of it and just concluded that no, even if I would have given it more time I would not have found it fun.
Dwarf fortress but I haven’t played that in a long time. It will outlast most other games however.
I was also too young when I got this game and it is one I would like to return to. Don’t have my psx any more either :(
So… Where do they go? Space?
Most games now have all the “qol” features that remove the need to communicate if that is even possible at all. It is a sad world we live in where everything has to go faster all the time. More dopamine per minute.
I also was in for the first couple of years in wow and even played Dark Age of Camelot before that and some Ultima online also. It was a different world back then. As a gamer I had all the time in the world to sink into these games. As an adult and a parent I got no time to sit down for hours upon hours to play like I did back then but I wish that kids that grow up today should have the same opportunity as I did to experience this.
Wish I had the patience to learn all units and their counters. Game grinded to a halt for me because of this even though I like it. Will give it another go some time this year.