Nakoichi [he/him]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2020


  • This all smells like encouraging voters to stay home because “both sides.”

    God you people have a one track mind. No I am begging people to take more action (and responsibility) than just going to the voting booth once every 2, 4, 6 years etc.

    Join a revolutionary party, join a mutual aid organization, volunteer whatever free time you can to actually doing something about issues you claim to care so dearly about. Maybe if you are of the privileged demographics put your body on the line to defend those targeted by state and or fascist violence.

    Stop pretending like the only politics is liberal bourgeois democracy ffs. It’s sooooo god damn tiring.

    And sure vote if you want to but stop blaming the people for reasonably checking out of this broken system while still doing the more important work of direct action for not endorsing literal genocide.

    Like it or not that is materially what your vote does. It endorses the policies of the person you voted for. All of them.

  • Motherfucker literally argued against hypothetically killing Hitler.

    Scratch a liberal and a fascist fucking bleeds. I may still be an anarchist but I’d sign on with comrade Stalin at this point.

    These people deserve the same fate as the Nazis. Yeah yeah I am being uncivil. Fuck if I care, civility is for cowards. What the fuck you gonna do vote me off the internet?

  • Yeah you’re not wrong but the whole OP was about voting as harm reduction which I fundamentally disagree with.

    Fascism arises because of the collapse of institutional legitimacy of liberal institutions. That’s how we got trump and that’s how we’re gonna get what’s coming next after him, that’s gonna be even worse, because if you think that there’s not gonna be more ecological and economic catastrophes in the future that liberalism is wholly unsuited to fucking deal with and that that failure is not gonna lead to fascism filling that fucking hole, you’ve got another thing coming.

    And that’s what these guys are. These guys who marched in Charlottesville, these are the people who are aware of the unspoken premise of the sort of zombie neoliberalism that we’re living in which is that we’re coming at a point that there’s gonna be ecological catastrophe and it’s going to either require mass redistribution of the ill-gotten gains of the first world or genocide.

    And these are the first people who have basically said, “Well if thats the choice I choose genocide.” And they’re getting everybody else ready, intellectually and emotionally, for why that’s gonna be ok when it happens. Why they’re not really people. When we’re putting all this money into more fucking walls and drones and bombs and guns to keep them away so we can watch them die with clear consciences because we’ve been loaded with the ideology that these guys are now starting to express publicly.

    On the other side of them you have people who are saying in full fucking voice, “No, we have the resources to save everybody, to give everybody a decent and worthwhile existence,” and that is what we want, and that is the fucking real difference between these two.

    Paraphrasing Matt Christman.

    In short by holding dear to these liberal institutions we are inadvertantly accelerating the rise of fascism.

  • Please be civil

    I will try to respect your rules better but I fundamentally disagree with civility/tone policing when it comes to literal genocide and people advocating voting for people facilitating said genocide.

    Like I said before I got heated and that person strawmanned me saying I was advocating political assassinations. There is a world of action that needs to be taken outside of electoralism and focusing on elections and voting is something I feel is a distraction from What Is To Be Done.

  • Nakoichi [he/him]@hexbear.nettoUK Politics@feddit.ukDo not under estimate the Tories
    8 days ago

    That is horrible binary thinking. There is a world of action between voting for liberals (unscratched fascists) and assassination (which if your government is run by fascists, does not, in fact, make you the greater evil)

    Why are you libs always like this? Oh if you kill the evil people then you’re just as bad as them!

    Okay have fun with that pacifism fetish when it leads you in front of a firing squad (which is the ultimate destination of the trajectory both our countries are on)

    Read This Nonviolent Stuff’ll Get You Killed.

  • I am saying neither will do less harm. We’ve had this tired debate too many times to go into it but in the case of Biden his administration has done nothing to reverse or curtail the worst of Trump’s policies and he managed to somehow be even MORE racist on immigration.

    Lesser evilism is a trap and you are better off organizing more direct action. I don’t vote for either candidate that supports genocide, simple as.

  • Nakoichi [he/him]@hexbear.nettoUK Politics@feddit.ukDo not under estimate the Tories
    8 days ago

    Well it would be nice if there was anything left of the left in UK labour. At the moment all you got is a transphobic piece of shit that is just slightly left on economic issues.

    Yall really gotta get better to scrub off the stain of the currently accurate description of being TERF island.

    And of course I am painfully selfaware that I am saying this from America where our choices are between two genocidal fascists credibly accused of SA

    Tactical voting ourselves right into death camps is not the strategy you think it is.