I’m currently in the middle of a few books, and I’ve got more queued up to read next.
here’s what I’m currently reading:
William Gibson - Neruomancer [The Sprawl, book 1]
Just started the last chapter, can’t wait to read the rest of the sprawl.
the writing is amazing and i can see why it’s so recommended.
Douglas Adams - The Ultimate Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy [Compilation of the entire series in one book]
I’m about half way through book 1, loved the movie and figured i would read the books.
no regrets so far, quite a fun read.
Martha Wells - Rogue Protocol [The Murderbot Diaries, Book 3]
Saw this series recommended years ago on reddit, only semi-recently got around to reading it
it’s an interesting story, and i would recommend it myself.
Oscar Wilde - The Picture of Dorian Gray
I don’t really even know what to say about this one, other than I’m enjoying it thus far
and the fact that i can’t read more than a few pages at a time without getting a headache from deciphering some of the wording haha
and here’s what’s all on my to-be-read list (minus continuations of the aforementioned series) in no particular order:
Liu Cixin - Remembrance of Earth’s Past [Series]
Neal Stephenson - Cryptonomicon [Series]
Neal Stephenson - Snow Crash
Frank Herbert - Dune [Series]
Harper Lee - To Kill A Mockingbird
Philip K. Dick - Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
Homer - The Iliad
Dante - The Divine Comedy
I would love some recommendations from you lovely people to add to my backlog :)
Take a look at Musicroamer
you type in a favorite artist and it uses the spotify recommendation stuff to find similar artists
if you find one that sounds nice then you can then create a branch of artist that are similar to them
(probably a horrible explanation, just mess about with it for a minute and you’ll get an idea how it works)
I’ve personally used it to find quite a few new favorites since ditching Spotify in favor of a self hosted Navidrome server
as for FLAC downloads check out Qobuz, which has unlimited DL plans
alternatively if you would rather sail the seas, search up Firehawk52 for a guide