Spaceman Spiff

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Breitbart on the mainstream, centrist posts. Most of it’s way further out there. I have no idea which ones are inauthentic shitposts and which ones are legit. They are way beyond Poe’s Law.

    But more important is when they show up on other instances. Everything becomes an argument, dragging down everyone and everything they encounter. This also can’t be solved by just blocking the communities on EH, it must be blocked at the community’s instance or our (the viewer’s) home instance.

  • Possibly. I’m not entirely sure how to interpret that part.

    One plausible scenario is that they brought in a consultant, who said their data would be worth $XXXX on the open market. A common element of MBA thinking is that any potential profits are something you are entitled to, regardless of the consequences. It’s also pretty clear they don’t have a mature management team, or a viable path to realize those profits. But they had to stop someone else from getting it, so there was a rushed decision. I don’t quite know how it coincided with killing 3rd party apps, though, unless it was just more really incompetent management.

  • If any instance becomes large enough to have an undue influence, which Meta would likely have, then they effectively control the entire ecosystem. At that point, it effectively stops being decentralized (See: The 51% Attack, although this wouldn’t happen at a certain number/ratio). When it becomes convenient to them, they can pull the plug, and destroy the rest of the ecosystem that isn’t theirs.

    It’s exactly what happened with XMPP and Google Talk.

  • That’s pretty likely, given how many have left in the past year, and it’s possibly a very big problem for Meta. Apple in their early days infamously asked candidates if they were “virgins”. It was not (as Hollywood likes to portray) about their sexual history, but whether they had ever touched or seen IBM’s proprietary code. Apple needed to do a clean-room development and implementation of the same thing. They knew IBM would sic the lawyers on them, and they had to prove they did it using nothing but publicly available info.

    The article has absolutely no detail on what these trade secrets might be, or if they will be upheld in court, so we can only speculate. But if these really are trade secrets, and Meta poached them, then we could be talking serious damages or even an injunction.

    But knowing the courts, this won’t actually be decided for years and it won’t even matter by then