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Cake day: July 6th, 2024


  • Ooops@feddit.orgtoScience Memes@mander.xyzAlpha
    4 days ago

    Actual wolf packs are a family. One pair of adults plus their children. Until those are old enough, then they leave and search for a partner and own territory.

    All the stuff you read about pack alphas, all the sociological pseudo-science about alpha behavior derived from it… that’s all based on a one bullshit study about a large group of wolves artificially intoduced to a new area, that in no way behaved like wolves naturally do.

    Basically the equivalent of putting a few dozen teen-age boys on an isolated island then studying their behavior to understand human society.

  • Yes, wages increased by 6% in 2023 already, for a slight increase in real wages while inflation was high. With a lot of the lifting being done by thelast quarter +5,6% wages vs. 3% inflation. For the first quarter of 2024 it’s +6,4% wages vs. 2,5%… oh, and the usually focused group of low earners is at the top with +8,8%.

    Now we are down too 2% inflation… and you still pretend this actual target number aimed for is still rising faster than wage growth.

    The last time real wages sunk was in 2022, so we had 1½ years of increased inflation adjused wages already, with inflation still going down.

  • This would -at least as far as I understand it- limit your swap’s functionality for hibernation etc. Because there your swap needs to be available early. You can still do it in theory, but the key file then would need to be included in you initrams, which kind of defeats the purpose.

    There is however a much more easier option: either use LVM on luks (so the volume is decrypted with the password and then contains both, root and swap) or just use the same password for root and swap while switching over to the systemd hooks (as those encryption hooks try unlokcing everything with the first provided password by default, and only ask for additional password if this fails).

    EDIT: Seeing that you crossposted this from an archlinux-specific community: You can find the guide here. It’s for using a fully enrcypted system with grub as bootloader, but the details (in 8.3 and 8.4) are true for all boot methods. Replace the busybox hooks with their systemd equivalents (in minitcpio.conf for archlinux but again this isn’t limited to that init system), then add “rd.luks.name=<your swap’s uuid=swap” to your kernel parameters and also replace the “cryptdevice=UUID=<your root’s uuid>:root” that should already be there for an encrypted system (that’s the syntax for the busybox hook) with “rd.luks.name=<your root’s uuid>=root”. On startup you will be asked for your password as usual, but then both root and swap will be decrypted with it (PS: the sd-encrypt hook only tries this once… so if you screw up and misstype your password on the first try, you will then have to type it again two times, once for root, once for swap…)

  • Ooops@feddit.orgtoEurope@feddit.orgUpdated rules? Updated rules!
    19 days ago

    when it could also be said on pretty much any other rule (e.g. spam)

    Spam is much easier to evaluate objectively. Feeling insulted isn’t. Especially when some people make it their whole personality to feel insulted by any opposing viewpoint or opinion. Which then leads to constantly getting reported for not sharing their views, which leads to more scrutiny if anything you said could actually be perceived as insulting. Add mods becoming tired or just plain old statistics… you can probably follow my train of thought.

    PS: And as any other cynic will tell you… that’s not cynical but just speaking from experience.

  • We are clarifiying the rules regarding acceptable behavior in discussion: be kind & argue in good faith.

    I have seen that idea so many times over the years, yet the simple fact is: it does never ever work.

    There will always be one side actually arguing (in good faith) and one side reporting every opinion they don’t like. And wheather it’s mods just becoming tired, subconciously influenced by the fact how often some people got reported already or just a simple matter of statistics with a lot of reporting… in the end the former group will get punished and stop to contribute while the latter doesn’t give a fuck and will just circumvent the rules with a new account should their bullshit backfire for once.

    TL;DR: hard rules work, wishy-washy nonsense like “be nice to each other” doesn’t.

  • A “conservative” opposition that made a sharp turn to right-wing populism and is spending the years since they got voted out by parroting far-right AfD narratives while also adding their own take on desinformation at every corner… and sadly the media has failed for quite some time to provide context and is only slowly waking up and starting to publish fact checks for all their bullshit demand and statements.

    So you might think you found a problem with my statement. But there isn’t one. The former center-right conservatives are indeed the right populists I was talking about. Because that is exactly what they degerated to the moment they lost power.

    For reference see for example: here, here or here

    That’s your so-called “conservative opposition” right there…

  • Ooops@feddit.orgtoEurope@feddit.orgIs Europe Turning Fascist?
    25 days ago

    Many Europeans know first hand that the streets are less safe than they used to be and which groups are causing it.

    No. Many people* believe* that streets are less safe than they used to be, although actual facts and statistics show the opposite and it’s much safer now.

    They also believe which groups are causing it, because both lies are told by the same right-wing propagandists (and amplified by media giving a shit about facts, context or anything else but attention and clicks). The actual groups causing more crime are also in the actual real statistics: far-right crime and xenophobic assaults are on the rise and massively impact total numbers.