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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • A pivotal piece of advice once shifted my perspective on work. It was put simply: ‘If the thought of retirement is your main motivation, you might be in the wrong job.’ This implies that if you’re constantly counting down the years to retirement, you’re essentially wishing for time to fly by quicker. But those years are valuable, and letting them slip away in anticipation of something else isn’t worth it. The key is to find a career that reduces your stress and enhances your life now, not just in the future. While financial security is undeniably important, it’s also crucial to recognize when you have enough and to prioritize your well-being and happiness in the present.

  • Sure. If I remember correctly in Belgium in the 90s (or early 00) they reconnected the schelde and the leie, two rivers that used to be connected but were separated. The intend was to increase the debit that was missing from de schelde. This had a result of more oxygen in the water, increasing fish population and plant growth. 10 years after there were seals (and at some point even a dolphin) spotted in Ghent.