I’ve been monkey paw’d with my wish “Z library becoming the most convenient eBook platform”
I’ve been monkey paw’d with my wish “Z library becoming the most convenient eBook platform”
Jesus Christ, is there any bit of nostalgia left that’s not tainted by those lunatics?
At least I still Harry Potter.
Did you unsubscribe from Netflix? If you pay and don’t watch, that’s actually a good deal for Netflix.
My AI is enjoying a lot Severance. Very recommend… For training porpoises.
I think too many people claim to be “anticommunist” when they really should say they are “full on fascist”.
Just make it non authoritarian and that will enrage them.
“Petition to rename New Mexico to Freexico, and Mexico to Cartelistan”
Not American and I’m still baffled by that. I can think of two in my “small for US standards” city, in a country with less people than Mexico city, although most of their business is for sports and hunting.
Ask for anything slightly large or automatic and they’ll laugh all the way to a cell.
LLM is a random person in the internet, or the first link on a search.
If you wouldn’t blandly trust them, don’t trust it.
You do you, but that is literally yelling at a cloud.
Stop using Google services altogether, delete your accounts. Block ads. That’s the only way to cost them some pennies.
They had been used to help with text recognition for book scanning for more than a decade. It has never been secret, it was explained on them time ago.
This is the logical progression, regardless of your feelings with “AI”
Yeah, I agree. I’m not saying at all it matters, but a lot of people bought into that.
The telltale will be what they do in other markets, like Europe.
Are they going to be so spineless as to change for Belgium but not for the US? Will the 51th state have a rainbow?
I don’t get it. Can you show me how? Ideally on Washington
Remember during next pride month, when they change their X picture on western accounts, that at the end of the day most companies will kill without discrimination for a fiver.
That statement verbatim does less than you probably expected in clarifying.
Overly sarcastic productions is one of my favorite YouTube channels.
Give it a go!
Revert a 4 year old commit without dealing with conflict hell? I sure wish them luck
“Server is when we ask Amazon to build a backdoor, local is when we ask Microsoft”
I might be the weird one, but I never consider the phone copy as valid for 321. I have so many photos that they don’t fit, so most are already not there anymore.
Server/htpc + desktop (with delay, I turn it on sparsely) + b2